Chapter 39 Mark's POV

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One thing was for certain, I was done with Rebecca. I had thought she had turned over a new left, but this is beyond unforgivable. Trusting her was never and option. Every time I thought about it, I grew angrier and angrier. I needed to rip the bandaid off of this immediately, but I was in no state of mind to talk to her on the phone, so I texted her.

Rebecca, please get your parents or a friend to watch Emma tonight. We need to talk. I will be home this evening.

My hands were shaking as I hit send. I was already so emotional about this. I needed to calm down and think about this rationally for a second before I lost my mind on her. How would this affect Emma? She might not be my child anymore, but I've spend the last four years raising her. Could I just walk away. I knew I had no leg to stay on custody wise. Maybe it was for the best if I just left. How could I look at her the same again without seeing some other guy. While all these thoughts were swirling around in my head my text notification beeped.

Ok, no problem. My parents said they would pick her up from school today. So they can keep her.

I breathed a sigh of relief, at least Emma wouldn't hear any of this. My brain was mush as I tried to calm down. I called my dad. I needed some voice of reason.

"Hey Mark" he answered

"Hey Dad" trying to sound normal.

"What's wrong?" He immediately asked

I couldn't help but break down. "She-She isn't mine" I sobbed.

"Oh fuck, you got a DNA test?"

"Yea, I found out this morning." Still trying to choke back sobs. I was working to calm down. I still couldn't help the tears streaming down my face. "I can't be with Rebecca anymore, and I don't know if I can even look at Emma anymore. My life took a huge left turn because of this lie. I don't know if I can stick around for it anymore." I explained through tears.

"I can't imagine how hard this must be for you. I would be devastated if I found out that you weren't mine. Especially after uprooting your life the way you did." He sighed "I'm sorry son. This is hard and I wish I could tell you how to handle it."

I nodded even though he couldn't see it. "I know" I choked out, "I think I'm going to leave when all of this is said and done. I need to get out of this town. I can work remotely and it'll be fine."

"Whatever you need from us we will support you."

"Thanks Dad. I appreciate you guys." I sighed, " I have to go talk to Rebecca, wish me luck." I said dryly.

"Call us when you're done. No matter what time it is."

We said goodbye and hung up.

It was close to five in the evening when I headed towards home, or I guess its Rebecca's home now. It's sure as hell isn't mine anymore.

I pulled into the driveway and couldn't help the nerved overwhelming me. I had no urge to go in there. I hated this so much. The need to get my things overpowered my urge to just peace the fuck out. I slowly got of the car and let myself into the house.

I could hear Rebecca moving around in the kitchen and smell the dinner she was making. I slammed the door shut and heard her moving towards me. When she walked into the living room where I was standing, I looked up to see that she was in some sort of lingerie. She took one look and me and realized that what she assumed was wrong.

"Mark? What's wrong? I thought you wanted my parents to take Emma to have some quality time to ourselves. You look like shit." She said

"Go put some clothes on." I said in a low voice.

"Ok..." she said as she creeped out of the room. A few minutes later she was back. "Whats going on? You're scaring me."

I couldn't talk and just handed her the printed results of the test. She read it with a confused look on her face until she realized what she was looking at and she eyes widened.

"wha- what is this?" She asked trying to sound innocent.

"You know exactly what that is." I growled, "Did you know?"

"I-I..." she started

"DID YOU FUCKING KNOW?!"  I roared letting my emotions take over. 

Her head dropped to stare at the floor.

"I-I wasn't sure"


"There was-" she sighed dropping to the chair next to her still staring at the floor "there was overlap."

"Well clearly" I sneered sarcastically "So you thought I would be the good fall guy?"

"I knew it was a possibility that she was yours and you were always the better choice."

I couldn't help but shake my head at her. "So I up and sacrificed my life for a lying bitch pregnant with someone else's baby because I was the better choice! Do you realized how fucked up that is? DO YOU REALIZED HOW FUCKED UP THIS ENTIRE THING IS?" I started to yell, not being able to contain myself anymore.

"I know! I fucked up!" She yelled exasperated "I wasn't myself back then and cheated on you with a huge douchebag. I knew that you were the better option so I had hoped that this was the universe's was of telling me to get my shit together"

"What the fuck did you do, go fuck him right after you fucked me?!"

She just sat there without responding.

"You're fucking kidding?" I whispered menacingly

"I'M SORRY!" She screamed

"You know this makes this all the more easier. I had some guilt about leaving after committing to four years, but fuck this. Fuck you. You're a manipulative bitch and I am done." I said with surprising calm.

I walked up the stairs. I pulled a couple of suitcases and a duffle bag out of the closet and started packing my clothes. It took all of ten minutes. I stormed down the stairs. Rebecca was still sitting in the same chair sobbing into her hands.

"I don't care what you tell Emma. Go ahead and blame me. But you will always know that you did this to yourself and to Emma.  I am out of here. Do not fucking contact me. You made your bed, fucking sleep in it." I growled

I ripped the door open and threw my stuff in the car. I peeled out of the driveway and sped down the street. About a block away I couldn't help but pull off to the side of the road. I was livid and shaking. I knew I needed to calm down, but I couldn't stop thinking about how fucked up this was. My life just crumbled before me and it was all because of one lie. If she hadn't lied I might still be with Soph. I might be somewhere other than Boston. I sure as fuck wouldn't be sobbing in my car on the side of the road. That's for fucking sure. I called my dad back.

"Hey, how'd it go?" He answered

"Can I come stay with you guys?" I choked out

"Yes! Of course!"

"Ok, see you in twenty" I said before hanging up the phone.

I stayed with them for three week. I sold everything I owned and bought a motor home. I arranged to work remotely for the unforeseeable future. My boss was more than happy to accommodate me after hearing everything and told me there was no way he wanted to lose me. With all my loose ends tied up, I knew I twas time to live my own life. I headed out to explore the rest of the country and figure out my new life.

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