Chapter 38 Mark's POV

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le to compare it to."

I nodded and held up the baggie of Emma's hair, "here is the other sample."

"Thank you" She said as she took the bag placing in another bag labeled with my name.

She then took my sample and told me to check out at the receptionist.

The receptionist charged my card and told me that it would be 48 to 72 hours and gave me a paper to login and see my results. I walked out of there with all my anxiety clouding my head. I wasn't sure how I was going to be able to face Rebecca until I had the results. I also couldn't back out of picking Emma. I killed time before I picked her up. When I saw her all my anxiety subsided for the time being. I was able to just be silly Dad to her and she knew none the wiser. Rebecca was a whole different story. I had no idea how I was going to face her.

Rebecca was home when we walked through the door.

Emma yelled "Momma!" As she jumped in her arms.

"Baby!" Rebecca yelled as squeezed Emma.

For a second it was easy to forget the problem haunting me.

"Hey Becs," I started as I rubbed the back of my head, "my parents are going through some stuff and want me to stay at the house for the next couple of days." I lied

"Oh, ok" she nodded. I couldn't help but notice the flash of hurt in her eyes. I just couldn't be around her until I knew the truth on way or another.

"I can still help with Emma this week so you don't have to worry about picking her up from school or anything."

She nodded, " yea, ok. I appreciate it."

"Ok, I gotta go." I say to Rebecca before turning to Emma, " Bye Emma, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye Daddy!" she yelled

I walked out of the door, finally taking a full breath as I closed it.

Between not being able to look at Rebecca and needing some space from my parents, I booked a hotel room. I was an anxious mess just working and obsessively checking the portal to see if my lab results had come back. The only normal part of my day was picking Emma up and even then I still felt crazed.

By the morning of the third day. I had barely slept and was losing my mind. It was eight in the morning and was going to give it until noon before I called the lab. I was obsessively checking that I had to pry myself away from the computer before I lost my mind. I forced myself to only check every 30 minutes by setting a timer on my phone. By eleven I had completely forgone my alarm and went back to checking constantly. Finally the results popped up on the screen. It felt like everything stopped. I had to force myself to breath and click the link.

I instantly shut my eyes, unable to force myself to see the results. I finally talked myself down. It's time. I need to know. I have to know. I squinted my eyes open. There were the results plain as day. I felt like I was on the Maury Show and he just announced the results in my head.

"He is not the father."


Everything that I knew was a lie and I had no idea how I was going to handle that. I had a million more questions now. Did Rebecca know? Did she lie to me on purpose? Why the fuck would she do that?

I had no idea what I was going to do, but I knew that I needed to confront her.

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