Life After The Broken Curse

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Momiji was heartbroken when Tohru left. The girl he had liked for the last couple years went off to live with Kyo. His heart ached, yet he was happy for the couple. He was happy Toru found a life she deserved. After the two left, Momiji would call Tohru day after day. "Tohru, how is it going over there. Is kyo treating you right. If not I can come and pick you up." Momiji would say on the phone. Then he would hear on the other line. "Yes I am you idiot! YOUR NOT TAKING HER!" Momiji would laugh at Kyo's overprotective nature. He really did love her. "I am doing good Momiji. Everything is great. You're going to have to visit soon." Tohru would say with a voice that made anyone happy. Momiji then would chuckle and hang up. Day after day a conversation similar to that happened. Until, he stopped calling. It pained him when they told him to visit. He couldn't visit or the bandages holding his heart together would be ripped off. He didn't know if he still loved her or not but just the thought of seeing her knowing that their time together would end made his brain hurt. This life of loneliness would last till about halfway through his senior year.

Momiji was making his way down the school hallway. His head was down as it was these days, when he felt his body crash into something. He fell to the ground and looked up to see a girl with extremely long red hair on the ground, with a cluster of books crowding her.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry. I didn't mean to run into you. It was an accident. Please don't be mad." The girl waved her arms in the air then started to pick up her assortment of books. Momiji bent next to her to help her pick up the books. Then for the first time he saw her eyes. What beautiful eyes he thought. Her eyes were an emerald green and shone in the light coming from the windows. 

"No I am sorry. I should have watched where I was going." Momiji looked into her eyes to see tears fill them. "Oh no I didn't mean to make you cry. I can make it up to you. How about we go for ice cream." Momiji shot his hands into the air and a big grin filled his face. One that he hadn't experienced for quite a while.

"No... I fi..fine." The girl sniffed and started to get up and walk away. Momiji grabbed her hand refusing to let this girl walk off crying. 

"Walk with me and tell me what's keeping you from ice cream." Momiji held to her hand and started walking to the exit doors of the school.

"Well, I just m..m...moved here and I... I can't figure out what to do in my classes, and I have a girl to tutor today and I don't know where the building is, and at home I-" She stopped mid sentence and remained silent. 

"Hi I am Momiji." Momiji suddenly jumped in front of the already flustered girl and held his hand out as a smile went from ear to ear on his face.

"I'm Hayami." Hayami slowly let her hand grasp on to Momiji's. Momiji shook her hand then used that grasp to start pulling her towards the sidewalk.

"Let's go get ice cream and you can tell me about everything. I can show you around and you can meet my friends." Momiji said enthusiastically. For the first time in what felt like forever, he felt useful. He felt like he had a purpose and he gained energy as this girl gave him a reason to smile and skip along the sidewalk. 

When they got to the ice cream place Momiji got cookie dough and Hayami got mint chocolate chip. They sat down and Momiji looked into her big emerald eyes. Those eyes showed about a million strings of complexity that Momiji couldn't unweave.

"Who are you tutoring?" Momiji asked as he took a lick of his ice cream. 

"Ummm... I think her name is Momo." Momiji turned pale and his eyed widened. He couldn't speak. He could feel his eyes start to water but he quickly sucked it up.

"Oh, she is my neighbor." Momiji quickly said and bent his head down so Hayami wouldn't see his eyes feel with tears.

"If you want to come you can." Hayami said as she bent her head down to lick her melting ice cream. She then felt arms wrap around her shoulders.

"Oh my gosh thank you so much! This is going to be so fun." After she heard the German boy say those words she got yanked off her feet.

"Ok, but you are going to have to help me find the building." Hayami then laughed. That was the first time Momiji had heard her laugh and this feeling of calm and joy washed over him.

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