An Open Door

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Authors Note: Thank you all so much for reading. I know it's been awhile but I have been busy lately and balancing life can get hard. I know my writing might not be the best, but practice is how we learn. If you have any recommendations or hopes for this story leave a comment. I hope you enjoy. 

When Momiji and Hayomi opened the door from the room they were in, nobody was around. They went into the main room to find everyone cutting a three layer gorgeous cake. Momiji quickly ran ahead of Hayomi to the sweet treat.

"You guys are eating cake without me!" Momiji through his hands in the air and pouted.

"Well, we weren't going to wait for you and that girl to finish whatever you two were doing." Hatsuharu said with the most seriousness in his face. Hayomi had gotten too Momiji by now and just simply stared into space dumb founded at the comment. Momiji's eyes widened.

"We didn't do anything Hatsuharu." Momiji threw his hands in the air. "Can I have cake now please?" Momiji formed a giant smile on his face as he moved closer to the cake that was now almost gone since everyone had gotten a slice. Hatsurharu sighed and handed the begging boy and Hayomi each a slice. Then Hayomi sat with Tohru and Kyo since they had gotten along fairly well before. Then Momiji followed behind to sit with the three. 

The rest of the night was filled with laughs and gushing about Tohru and Kyo's engagement. As the night went on the Sohma family members one by one left. When the end of the night had arrived the last people left were Momiji, Hayomi, Tohru and Kyo.

"C'mon Tohru we gotta head out. We have brunch plans tomorrow." Kyo grabbed Tohru's hand and a soft smile formed onto to Tohru's face.  

"Ok. Have a good night guys." Tohru held a soft smile and gripped onto Kyo's hand. Then they turned and headed out the door. Momiji and Hayomi waved there goodbyes then they turned around. They had planned to stay and clean, however there was no mess.

After they saw that the place was clean Momiji and Hayomi both agreed to go. Momiji had decided to walk Hayomi home as it was nearly 1 in the morning. They left the estate talking and laughing, both ignoring what had happened earlier in the night. 

"Hey. Thanks for taking me tonight. It was really fun." Hayomi said and looked at Momiji.

"It was no problem. I love hanging out with you." Momiji was about to skip around her but his eyes caught her's. Her emerald eyes caught his attention. Forcing him to simply stare at them. What made them extra intriguing was the fact that this night was dark. However, this made the moon seem to shine brighter. Her eyes glistened like an actual emerald. It was like looking into a priceless gem. As they slowly walked at a steady pace their eyes continued to remain locked onto each other. 

"Tohru and Kyo are super nice. Although I could tell something was wrong. I think we should probably visit them at some point." Hayomi said and looked straight forward at the sidewalk. Momiji gazed up at the full moon. This comment puzzled him. Nothing seemed wrong to him. Although Hayomi had always been good at reading him. Maybe this is the same type of thing.

"Why do you say that?"

"Well for one, they were the last to leave besides us. Secondly, she had no ring."

Momiji just thought about what she was saying. It amazed him how observant and concerned she was about everyone. He was in the middle of a thought when Hayomi stopped. Momiji looked up to see her house.

"Well we are here. See you later Momiji." Hayomi walked up to the door and looked over her shoulder. Her ponytail gently swooping to the side. She hit Momiji with a soft smile and a wave goodbye. Momiji replied with a big wave goodbye.

"Bye Hayomi. I will call you." Half of Momiji's face filled with a smile as he waved. He then started to walk away from the house. He would skip but his mind was filled with too much to focus on skipping. He needed to find out what to do. Should he ask Hayomi on a date or not? His mind filled with millions of different solutions. As he walked a sudden realization happened. He couldn't wait to ask her out. He knew if he didn't ask her for that first date soon she would be gone in a heart beat. He ran back to the house. He was already a pretty long ways away so it took him every thought of her to motivate each step he took. Each step was a step closer to her becoming his. He couldn't wait any longer. He didn't want her to think that he didn't mean the kiss. He meant it alright. By the time he got to the door he took a deep breath and collected himself. He knocked on the door. However, there was no answer. He waited there for a minute but no one came to the door. That was odd. He knew Hayomi had just got home. He put his ear to the door. A loud sound of what seemed like to come from the tv buzzed in his ears.

He was about to leave when he heard a crash. A loud crash of what sounded like glass. He didn't wait for someone to answer. He opened the surprisingly unlocked door and sprinted inside the house. He looked around frantically until he spotted her.

"NO! Hayomi!"

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