A Day Too Remember

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Momiji woke up the next morning more excited than ever. He got up from bed and immediately got ready. He first picked out an outfit. He decided on a white colored shirt and a yellow jacket with blue jeans. Then he brushed his teeth and combed his hair to be perfect. When he was finished he sat on his bed and looked at the time. It was 11:00 Am. He figured it would take about 30 minutes to go to the restaurant. He packed his bunny backpack and headed off at 11:15. He couldn't wait any longer he was too excited. He swung the door opened and cheerfully walked down to the ramen bar.

When Momiji finished walking he got there at 11:50. He got there and got him and Hayomi a table and waited for her. About 5 minutes later Hayomi walked through the door. 

"Hayomi! I got us a table." Hayomi heard the unforgettable German accent ring through the fairly popular restaurant. She walked over to him and sat on the opposite side of the table.

"Hi Momiji. You look nice today." Hayomi talked but all Momiji could focus on was the cheerful smile she held on her face. He noticed that her red hair was up in a ponytail. This made her bangs right above her emerald eyes more noticeable and pretty. She was wearing a long sleeved, green dress that made her eyes bolder than before. She really did look stunning thought Momiji.

"You look nice too." Momiji said looking at her gorgeous eyes and the freckles that lined her nose and cheeks. Soon a Waiter came up to the table. He looked very unimpressed.

"What can I get you." He said unenthusiastically.

"I will get the Shoyu Ramen and a water please." Momiji said cheerfully

"Same." Hayomi said. The waiter left. Momiji hummed to himself while looking at the menu. He then looked at Hayomi. 

"Thank you for yesterday. Thanks for everything." Momiji said with pure gratitude. Yesterday meant a lot to him. She made him so comfortable. When he let those bottled out emotion she did nothing but help him. 

"Oh it's nothing. It felt nice to help." Hayomi said casually. 

"I probably should explain everything a bit more."

"Please. I have been dying to know." Hayomi said leaning into the table. A goofy grin crossed her face.

"Ok so a long time ago a promise was made. That the animals of the zodiac would come every year for a banquet. So then normal people were possessed by the Chinese zodiac animals. This was so that the banquet could continue long after the animals died. I was the rabbit." Momiji held a finger up and a smile held on his face.

"Oh that makes more sense. But how come you aren't the rabbit anymore?" Hayomi said. 

"Well something happened for each one of us. For one, this was the first year where all the zodiacs were alive at the same time. Second, all the zodiacs became satisfied with themselves and realizing we don't need our god. This caused our bond to break." Momiji said.

"Ok I am still wrapping my head around this. You had a god?!" 

"Essentially. She was possessed by the god spirit. We saw her as our god.  I was on of the first people to overcome my issues." 

"I see." Hayomi said and then continued to think. It surprised Momiji how she believed him and how she didn't pry about his issues or anything. She truly was easy to talk to. She will listen yet she won't ask any more than you wanted her to ask. 

"In fact the reason why all of our curses broke was because of this girl Tohru. She came and made all of our lives better and filled a whole inside each one of us that changed our view on ourselves." Momiji's mind filled with the memories of Tohru. A soft smile formed on his face.

"Where is this girl now?" Hayomi asked. Momiji seemed sad and confused when she met him. She was pretty sure if that girl was here he would be happy. Momiji's eyes widened but he kept the soft smile on his face.

"She left to go live with the guy she is in love with. His name is Kyo and he was the zodiac cat. I am happy for Tohru, but if he hurts her I will be there in a heart beat." Momiji said as a giant grin filled his face.

"I see." Hayomi said. Of course. She was the reason those strings of sadness filled his life. He obviously loved her too. If Hayomi was good at anything, it was reading people. However, she couldn't figure if he still loved her or not. 

"Speaking of Tohru. She is coming down next weekend. If you want to come hang out with us you can. She will love to meet you. We can even go get ice cream." Momiji then threw his arms in the air. That is when the waiter came and gave them both the ramen and left. 

"Oh yea I would love to meet the girl that broke the curse for all of you." Hayomi then took her chopsticks and picked up a couple of noodles. She cooled them off then ate them. She knew this would give her the opportunity to see if he still loved her. This would allow her to help him in any way possible. If he still loved her, she could help him get over her. If he didn't love her any more, then she would be happy. She would be happy knowing he had moved on.

After they had finished eating and learning more about one another, they headed to Hayomi's house. After Momiji dropped her off, he headed back to his house. When he got there he flopped on his bed. Today had been a successful day he thought. He had learned one thing from today.

This girl had stolen his heart.

Authors Note: Thank you so much for reading. Every read makes me so happy and it is crazy to me that people might enjoy this story. Comment if you have any specific things you want to see in the story. Like if there are characters or moments you would love too read. I am sure you guys will love the next chapters coming up. I will try to update soon.

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