Two Calls in One Night

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"You have to leave!"

"What's wrong?" Momiji asked with concern in his eyes.

Hayomi took a deep breath and grabbed Momiji's arm and took him to a back door. "Look, my dad just doesn't like it when I have boys over. I will introduce him to you later, ok?" 

"Ok. Bye Hayomi." Momiji whispered and walked out the back door. He left with a grin on his face.

When Momiji finished skipping home he went inside and heard the phone ring. He picked it up cheerfully. "Who is it?"

"Hi Momiji. It's Tohru."

"Tohru! How are you?" 

"I am doing great Momiji. So, Kyo proposed to me about a-"

"Omg he did Tohru! When is the wedding? You two will be so happy!"

"Yes Momiji. So we are inviting some people down to come celebrate. I mean we don't have much here or much money but we could make it work." 

"No no no. I can't give you the trouble of preparing your house for the family. Come down here and we can treat you to whatever you would like."

"Are you sure Momiji? I don't want to trouble you." 

"Yes I am positive. You can come and you can see how everyone is doing. Oh and you can meet this girl I met named Hayomi. She is really sweet and I got to see Momo because of her."

"Oh Momiji that is awesome." Momiji then grabbed a note pad and a pen to write a date.

"When do you want to come down?" Momiji then heard Tohru call to Kyo.

"Kyo when do you want to go back down to Kaibara?" Then Momiji heard a faint voice.

"Next weekend sounds good." Momiji then heard Tohru's soft voice.

"Momiji would in a week be good?"

"Of course Tohru. Just tell the others you are coming and we will be all good." Momiji then hung up the phone and spun across his room. Finally he could show off a girl. Wait, Hayomi's isn't his girl. Why did he think that? She just felt so perfect to him. She was adventurous, curious, and comforting. He couldn't speed things up. Tohru coming would be a test for himself. If she came and he felt those feelings come up again, he would know he isn't ready. If he just feels pure happiness for Tohru and Kyo, then he will know he is ready. 

Momiji skipped to his bed and flopped onto it. Tomorrow was a Saturday. He was free. He then got up and went back to the phone. He rang up his Mother's number. 

"Hi Momiji what's up?"

"Hi can I talk to Momo?"

"Of Course." A moment later Momiji heard a small and shy voice from the other line.


"Hi Momo. Can you give me Your tutor Miss Hayomi's number. I need to talk to her about something."


After a few minutes of Momo trying to get her mom's attention, Momiji had finally received the number. 

"Thanks Momo. See ya." Momiji hang up the phone. Then he called Hayomi's number.

"Hello?" A weary and tired voice answered the phone.

"Hi Hayomi it's me Momiji. Is Everything ok?"

"Yea umm just tired. Whats up?"

"Well I am free tomorrow. I was wondering if you would wanna hang out. We could go for lunch or something. I should probably explain more about my past life and everything" 

"Oh yea of course we can do that. I do wanna hear more."

"K meet you at that ramen bar right next to the ice cream shop we went to today, at 12:00." 

"K see ya then." Momiji heard the phone hang up. He put it down and slowly moved toward his bed. He got to see her again. He gets to know more about her. This made his heart overfill with joy.

He went to bed that night dreaming of a perfect Saturday. A perfect day with a gorgeous girl. 

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