Seeing her once again

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That numb feeling had lasted about 6 months. Half a year Momiji felt as though everything was falling apart. One day he sat in his room gazing upon a blank wall. He was zoned out as usual. The he heard a knock at his door. He quickly turned his head. It was Tohru. He slouched his shoulders and continued to look at the wall. Every time this happened he prayed it was Hayomi. However, every time it wasn't. It had been Tohru a number of times. When Tohru heard about the whole fiasco she had come by every Friday night. She would knock and no answer would come. After about half an hour she would leave to go back to the house she shared with Kyo. Every Friday for 6 months this occurrence took place. Every time Momiji hoped it would be Hayomi. He hoped Hayomi would open the door. He hoped she would run up to him and give him a huge hug. She would say that everything is great. She would embrace him and make that numb feeling go away. She would pump life back into the boy that seemed to be fading away.

Momiji thought and something in him changed. After so many times of ignoring this knock that syncopated with the pounding of his heart, he had gotten sick of it. He urged to open the door. He urged for human interaction. He decided to open the door for Tohru. He slowly stood up and forced his legs to walk to the door and open the door knob. He opened the door and Tohru jumped in and took Momiji into a hug.

"Momiji thank you! Everything is going to be ok." Tohru talked at Momiji fell into the hug. At first Momiji was hesitant of the hug, but after awhile he melted into it. He let his tears fall into Tohru's hair. Every emotion he felt left his soul. After many minutes of this Tohru pulled away to look Momiji in the eye.

"Momiji listen to me, I think I know a way to help."

"How could you help she is gone." Momiji talked as he sniffled.

"When I heard about everything I got in touch with Hayomi through the school. She sa-"

"Oh my gosh is she ok? Is she mad at me? Will she see me again? Please tell me."

"She is ok. Her life is better now away from her dad. But Momiji she is going through the same thing you are. She feels sad and lonely and desperate for that one person that made her feel like she belonged."

"I just sent her away. How could she want me."

"Momiji this isn't you. Where is the happy and fun-loving you I know and love."

"He left with you."

Tohru paused to think about this statement. She couldn't quite figure it out. She shook her head and continued to talk.

"She needs you Momiji. Please go find her." Tohru reached into her pocket and pulled out a slip of paper and handed it to Momiji. Momiji looked at it and gasped. He then hugged Tohru one more time and quickly leapt out the door. 

"Thank you Tohru. I am on my way Hayomi." He jumped into the air and for the first time in months the familiar smile widened onto his face.

Momiji's Love Story (Fruits Basket)Where stories live. Discover now