A Broken Promise Followed By A Broken Heart

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Authors note: Hey guys sorry it's been awhile. After that last chapter I didn't exactly know how I wanted to write and portray this next part of the story. I believe that this story will come to an end soon. Probably in the next couple of chapters. However, I have an idea for a sequel/ continuation of this story. If you guys would like to see that comment. Also, if you have a character, plot line, or error in the story you would like to let me know about also comment. I am open to anything.

The next morning came. Momiji decided it would be alright to let Hayomi leave his house. He knew what he had to do. He knew it would hurt her but it was the only the way. The only thing he could do. The only thing worse then doing it was not doing it. After Hayomi left Momiji looked at his phone. He slowly walked to it and dialed the number.

" 911, what's your emergency?"

"My friend is getting abused by her dad. I didn't know who else to call. Can you guys please help."

"Of course sweetie. Whats the address?"

"I don't know the address, but I know what her house looks like."

"Yes, please describe that to us."

"Her house is a red brick house and she lives close to a police station as well as an ice cream place. Her house is two stories and she has green curtains."

"Can you give us a description of the girl please?"

"Yes. She has long red hair, green eyes, lean, and average height. You may be able to tell what house it is if you hear some sort of crashing sound from the inside."

"Thank you sir. Trust me everything will be alright."

"Alright thank you."

Momiji hung up. As he put the phone down his heart sunk. He knew that since he did this he might not see her again. He might not hug her again. He felt as though he finally had something good and he lost it. He lost it. Momiji sunk to the floor sobbing. Every memory, phrase, word, sentence, decision running through his head. He got dizzy from the feeling that a hamster was running full speed on a hamster wheel in his brain. Over and over and over again. He let the hot tears warm his face and he let the sadness overwhelm his body. Each thought felt like a brick on top of his head. It was pulling him down to the ground. Why when every puzzle piece was falling into place, did the big dog have to come and crash the puzzle? That Sunday was a day of sadness for Momiji. That night he went to bed knowing that he will find out Hayomi's fate tomorrow.

The next morning Momiji woke up and sluggishly got ready. When he went to school he couldn't find Hayomi. Panic started to set in after his 4th class. He knew that his 6th class was the class they had together. He thought they would keep her in the same school at least. Then he finally got to his 6th class.

"Hi class. Just to let you guys know, Hayomi won't be in this class anymore. I heard that she is living with her grandma a couple hours away."

Momiji heard these words. Each word felt like a bucket of ice cold water being dumped on top of him. He felt shivers down his spine. His eyes grew wide and he felt as though he was gonna cry. He was faced with the cold harsh reality. He couldn't get Tohru and he couldn't get Hayomi. No he could have. This is his fault. He shouldn't have done it. He just didn't know what else to do. He sat there for the rest of class un able to pay attention. 

The rest of the day went by slowly. Momiji couldn't think straight. Everything felt blurry and confusing. When he got home he ran to the phone. He dialed Hayomi's number probably a thousand times. Each time was left with a voicemail message. After calling her a million times he finally stopped. He flopped onto the bed and sobbed once more. Sobbing in till it felt as though his eyes were dry. He didn't know what would happen after this. Could he move on. Could he like a girl again. He broke a promise, and in return left with a broken world, confidence, and a broken heart.

Authors note: Don't worry guys this isn't the end. You haven't seen the end of Momiji's love story.

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