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As Momiji and Hayomi left the tutoring building, Hayomi had one thought in her mind. How could she help Momiji. 

"I will walk you to your house then I will head back home." Momiji said was he continued to walk beside Hayomi. A goofy grin plastered on his face.



"I know that I don't know you that well but I have a couple questions."

"What do you need to know?" Momiji skipped around her. "I am an open book."

"Is there more about Momo that I don't know?"

That is when Momiji stopped skipping. He stopped dead in his tracks. Memories flashed into his head. A million thoughts crossed his mind. Could he tell her? 

"Momiji? You ok?" Momiji felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked at Hayomi. He looked into her emerald eyes. He then had an answer.

"She is my sister." He responded and walked at a much slower pace than before.

"Well I knew that." Hayomi scoffed.

"No, biologically." Momiji said as a tear filled his eye. A soft smile appeared on his face.

"Wait, what?" Hayomi stopped. Momiji then was forced to a stop. 

"She is biologically my sister. But, she doesn't know." Momiji said and continued to walk. As he walked Hayomi walked behind clearly trying to make sense of the situation. As they turned the corner they stopped at an old brick house.

"This is it." Hayomi walked up to the steps. She looked over her shoulder and saw Momiji waving goodbye to her from the sidewalk. "You're coming in you know. I need a better explanation." Momiji then treaded to the door. Hayomi got her key out and unlocked the door. No one was home yet. Good. 

"Are you sure you want to hear the whole story." Momiji looked at her with concern in his eyes. This just made Hayomi more curious. She knew every one had a story. Something that caused the string of sadness in their life. Hayomi's mission was to cut the string.

"Well yea. You can't just leave me on a cliffhanger like that." Hayomi laughed which caused Momiji's fear to wash away. This laugh for some reason proved he could trust her. Hayomi led him to the dining room. The dining room had a small round table with two chairs. Then an open entrance led to a small kitchen. Hayomi held her hand out to a chair for Momiji to sit in. Momiji did so and Hayomi went into the kitchen to make tea.

"Well, me and 11 other members of the Sohma family used to be possessed by the Chinese zodiac. We would turn into cute little animals when hugged by the opposite sex or when we were tired. We have had this curse since we where born. However, one by one all our curses broke." As Momiji talked he gradually got happier.

"Wait a minute that's a lot to process. You're telling me you and other family members used to into animals when hugged by a someone the opposite gender as you?!" Hayomi then brought the tea over to the table and sat at the table. She still didn't fully understand.

"Yea. You should have seen. I used to be able to turn into a cute yellow rabbit." Half of Momiji's face transformed into a grin. Then he took a long sip of his tea.

"Omg. No wonder your favorite animal is a rabbit. That is also why you have a rabbit backpack." Hayomi smiled. Momiji was surprised. She didn't act disgusted. She seemed curious and caring. 

"Yup." Momiji looked down at the table. The curse didn't sound like a curse on paper. It sounded like a fantasy. But it was a curse. The suffering was something he would never want to relive. Hayomi could tell there was something more to it.

"Momiji, you can tell me the rest." Momiji looked up. Momiji slowly took a sip of his tea and Hayomi did the same. Then Momiji thought. The thoughts over filling his brain. The water of sadness started to pour over and come out of his eyes.

"Hayomi. There was so much suffering. Everyone had gotten hurt and you felt chained. I thought I wouldn't have a future. That is why I don't know what I want for my future. For the longest time I didn't know I would have a future. I always thought I would be tied to a curse. Love was impossible and my family is torn. I caused my mom so much pain. They erased her memory. I was a burden. I was born a burden. They made sure Momo never got to close to me. They made sure she didn't know I was her brother." Momiji put his head into his hands. He was always positive. He couldn't show this side of himself. He then felt arms wrap around his shoulders. He looked up to see Hayomi there. No questions or anything. Just pure understanding. He turned his head to her shoulder and let slow tears fall. She listened to him just like Toru did. But, he had her to himself. 

"It is ok Momiji. Everything is ok now." Hayomi said as he smoothed out his hair. After a few moments, Momiji lifted his head and Hayomi walked back to her seat. Momiji then took a sip of his tea and a small smile showed on his face.

"But, I am free now. No more chains. A life of opportunity's is in my grasp." Momiji then leapt out of his seat. He picked up his now empty cup to go put it in the sink.

"Your always so positive Momiji. Don't let that make you think that you can't get sad. You have gone through more than I would have guessed." Hayomi got up and put her teacup in the sink. 

As they put the dishes up they heard a loud thud from the entrance. Hayomi's eyes went wide. 

"You have to leave!"

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