The End of Momiji's Story

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1 year later

Momiji stared at himself in the mirror. He breathed in and out, trying to relax himself. His nerves where in full swing and his heart was racing. He looked at his white button down to make sure it was tucked in all the way. He then grabbed the little black box on his desk and slid it into his pocket. He then took one more breath in and out and cracked a smile at the mirror. He then checked the time and rushed out the door. 

Momiji met Hayomi at the ice cream place he took her to the first day they met. 

"Hi princess."

"Hello Momiji." Hayomi smiled wide and grabbed his hand. The two walked hand in hand to their usual table.  It was the anniversary of them getting together so they thought this was a perfect place. They talked for a bit and the more time that passed the more nervous Momiji got. His hands started to sweat and millions of possibilities passed through his heads.

The two then left after eating their ice cream. They where heading to the park. They got to park and sat on a bench for a little bit. Momiji got on his phone and texted Tohru. Momiji then looked at Hayomi while she was mid sentence.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Hayomi giggled as she saw Momiji looking at her.

"Hayomi I love you more than the whole world. You have. gone through everything with me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"What are you saying Momiji." Momiji then got down on one knee and Hayomi's hands fell in front of her mouth. 

"Hayomi you have made me the happiest I have ever been this last year. I know we had a rocky start, but I wouldn't trade it for a thousand stars. Will you marry me?" Momiji had a small and genuine smile on his face. Hayomi then grabbed him by the hands.

"Yes yes yes. I will Mary you Momiji." She grabbed Momiji cheeks and pulled him into a kiss. As they kissed you could hear cheering coming from all sides of the couple. When they let go they looked at each other in the eyes. They tuned everything out but each other.

"I love you"

"I love you too Momiji."

2 years later

Momiji looked at himself in the mirror. A big grinned filled his face as he fixed his tuxedo. Kyo looked over Momiji's shoulder into the mirror. He had his hand on Momiji's shoulder.

"This is going to be the biggest day of your life rabbit. Don't let it slip by." Kyo looked at him and showed a small and genuine smile. It was not the same smile he only gave to Tohru though. That smile was reserved only for her. It was the same as how Momiji letting his feelings out was reserved for Hayomi. 

"Thank you Kyo. I am excited." Momiji looked at Kyo as his eyes closed and his smile only grew larger. Kyo chuckled at how optimistic the young man was. 

The men finished getting ready. When it was all done the wedding began. He stood awaiting for his bride to come walking down the aisle. He tuned all things out. He was too excited to get married to the love of his life. Then Hayomi came down the aisle. Momiji was mesmerized. Her red hair was lightly curled and fell down her white gown. Momiji was love struck again. He didn't know falling in love twice was a thing. Yet here he was falling in love all over again. He could feel a tear forming in his eye. He was going to be able to spend his entire life with this girl. She made him feel loved. She was the perfect girl for him. Everything about her was perfect. After what felt like forever Hayomi now stood in front of him. The whole speech was said from the marriage officiant. The couple kissed and everyone cheered. Everything felt too perfect. 

4 years later

Momiji sat down on the carpet. He watched the little being in front of him. This adorable baby was his. He watched as she yawned.

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