Life is Back

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Momiji ran through the streets. Passing by all the things that used to bring him joy. Now the most important thing is nearly in reach. He then came to an immediate stop at the ice cream place. The ice cream place that Momiji took her the first day they met. He stood in front of the doors. The only thing between them was a glass door. Momiji breathed in. How could he face her, after 6 months? Could we go back to the way things where? Does she still care? Momiji held his head up high. And opened the door.

He walked in to see Hayomi sitting at a round table. Seeing her brought all kinds of memories to Momiji's head. She looked even prettier then he remembered as well. Her red hair was cut to where it only went to her shoulder, her green eyes popped with the green hoodie she was wearing with her tan pants. Momiji had forgotten how much she made his heart race. She was looking down at a book. Her lips curved into a frown. Momiji walked to her and sat down across from her. Only then did she look up. When she saw him it took her a second to recognize him. His hair was all frazzled a long. He was extremely thin. His face was darkened by his long hair and bags under his eyes. However when she recognized him a small smile crossed her face.

"I didn't think you would come."

"Why do you say that." Momiji looked concerned. He feared he did something wrong.

"Well I have come here for the last 6 months waiting to see if you would show up." 

Momiji thought and then it all made sense. If he had only opened the door for Tohru the first time. Maybe he wouldn't be in such an unruly state.  

"I am so sorry Hayomi. I shouldn't have broken our prom-"

"Momiji it's ok. Thank you for saving me. I didn't appreciate it at first, but I get what you were doing now. What other option did you have?"

"I could have kept our promise."

"You really couldn't have Momiji." Hayomi reached over the table and grabbed Momiji's hands. "Thank you Momiji."

There was a moment of silence. 

"What you reading?"

"A romance novel about this girl that finds herself stranded on an island. Millions of people are on the island yet she only finds comfort in this one guy. So, she pretends she lives on the island. Eventually her love interest finds out she is actually stranded and slowly losing hope. It is so good."

"I bet."

Another silence took place.

"So what have you been up to Momiji."

Momiji thought and his answer seemed pathetic.

"I have been making more friends and you know I have a girlfriend now."


"Yeah I don't"

"What have you really been doing."

"Sitting around, school work, you know the usual."

Another silence filled the room.

"What now." Momiji looked at Hayomi for an answer.

"What if we start over. Think about it. We came together because we were both in terrible situations. I want to see how we would do just as a normal couple. Not one full of drama and daddy issues." Hayomi started to laugh at her last line. Momiji joined in. He was mesmerized by her laugh. He didn't realize how much he missed this.

"I like that idea." Momiji looked at Hayomi and gave her a soft smile. She gave him a soft smile back. She had pumped the life back into him. He was not going to lose her again.

Authors Note: K ya'll. I think I got one more chapter left and then this is done. Thank you guys for all the love. I hope you guys like the ending coming up. 

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