A Secret Unfolds

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Momiji looked down at the ground to see a broken Hayomi. She had bruises along her arms and a bloody nose. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

"Momiji. Go. Please." She whispered the words as her big dad came stomping into the entry way. Momiji found him quite harmless looking. He was a round man with tiny eyeglasses on his round face. However the face of pure destruction he carried and the broken beer bottle in his hands changed Momiji's perception of him. The man took long and painfully intense steps toward Momiji. A million thoughts circled Momiji's mind. He looked at the man coming close to him and down at Hayomi. She looked so weak. So destroyed. He wanted to save her. He stood there and put a mask made of bravery onto his terrified face. He pretended like the man didn't frighten him.

"Listen boy. If you leave now and don't say anything then we won't have a problem. No one will get hurt." The man's words were sluggish  and he stunk of alcohol. By now the man was up in Momiji's face. Momiji let the fiery inside him fuel a push. He shoved the man far back then kicked him in the gut. The man fell back into the square tv and a huge shudder rang through the house followed by a grunt. Momiji ran up to Hayomi and grabbed her. He carried her bridal style and ran out of the house. He didn't know where to go. He couldn't go to his house that was too far. He had to find somewhere close. As he aimlessly ran he found an alleyway between two rundown brick buildings. He ran into the alleyway then gently set Hayomi down onto the pavement.

"Momiji I am fine. Let's just go back to my house ok?" Hayomi tried to get up but her legs gave out from under her. Momiji quickly caught her and again gently laid her on the pavement. Momiji couldn't believe he didn't know this was happening to her. All the pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place. He stepped back from her to examine her.

"Hayomi we have to call the police." Momiji said as he picked up one of her arms to look at the bruises. Hayomi quickly pulled her arm away. She then slowly forced herself to sit up and let her back rest on one of the brick building. As she moved Momiji could see her wince.

"Momiji, we are not getting the police involved." Hayomi said as she looked into his brown eyes. Momiji could see that her eyes were pleading. However, he refused. It was best for her if they told the police.

"Hayomi. It's what's best for you. It kills me to see you like this. Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Momiji bent down to the ground to get to her level.

"It isn't important. My dad loves me. Just sometimes he has a bad day at work." Hayomi looked at Momiji wide eyes. Her eyes shined from tears that fell down her pale cheeks. Momiji looked into those unforgiving eyes. Eyes that were nearly impossible to say no to. However, if there was any time to say no it was now. He looked at her. Showing that he meant nothing but the best.

"I will tell the police. You don't deserve this. I don't care if you never talk to me again. The only thing I care about more than us being together is your safety and happiness." Momiji then hoisted Hayomi up and carried her bridal style once again. Her soft read hair messily weaved in and out of his fingers. Hayomi tried to struggle her way out, but failed against Momiji's strong grasp. Momiji ran through the neighborhood for few minutes before he found a police station. As he was about to go inside Hayomi tugged on his sleeve. Momiji looked down at her red face. 

"Momiji please. They will arrest my dad. I will go into foster care. I will be thrown into the world when I am 18 with no one. Please Momiji. Can we compromise?" She started crying. Hard sobs came from her lips. Momiji couldn't go inside. He looked down at her then back at the police station. He knew it was wrong but he couldn't go in. He had to compromise with her. 

"Fine." Momiji quietly started walking the way to his house. Hayomi tugged on his sleeve again.

"What wrong?"

"I can walk."

"You sure?" Momiji looked at her concerned. She simply nodded. He slowly let her down. She stood and they started to walk. She held her stomach as she walked slowly.

"How long haas he been doing this to you.

"Since my mom left."

"When was that."

"2 months ago." Momiji looked at her. For the first time he could see those strings of sadness. All the complexity that filled her life. She looked so broken and defeated. She looked nothing like the happy, observant, and shy girl he had gotten to know. She was like a beautiful balloon that deflated.

"Is this the worst." Momiji looked at the ground praying that this had been the worst. Praying today was just a terrible day.

"No." Momiji looked at her face. She simply slouched and kept her eyes on the road.

"How bad is it."

"Not bad."

"Hayomi, how bad is it." Hayomi sighed and stayed quiet. Momiji waited for a response that never came. "Hayomi, please stay at my house tonight. Don't go back with that man." Hayomi stayed quiet for a second. She thought for a moment.

"That would be great Momiji. Thank you." Momiji simply nodded and they continued to walk in silence. 

After the walk they had gotten to Momiji's house. Momiji looked at his alarm clock and saw it was nearly 4 in the morning. Momiji sighed and guided Hayomi into the house.

"You can sleep on the bed. I will sleep on the floor." Hayomi looked at Momiji.

"I don't think I can go to sleep."

"You need sleep Hayomi."

"That will just make me look weaker. I just proved how weak I am." Hayomi sat on the floor with Momiji. Momiji looked into her eyes. You could see the disappointment in her eyes. How much she hated herself.

"Your not weak. If anything this just makes you stronger." Hayomi lifted her head and nodded. A small smile formed onto her face. 

"Thanks Momiji."

"Now how bad is it." The small smile on Hayomi's face turned into a frown. 

"My arms have bruises. My legs ache. My ribs also have bruises." Her head turned to the ground. She then felt a warm embrace. She looked up to see Momiji hugging her.

"It will be okay. I promise."

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