Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I woke up to the sound of someone knocking at my door. I fluttered my eyes open and lifted my head off my desk of recites. I began walking to the door. I looked at the clock on the wall in the kitchen and it said it was 8 o'clock. It was loud outside, well living in New York City I expected it. As I opened the door to my apartment there was an older man with grey hair wearing his normal every day attire. It was Mr. Holmer, my Landlord.

"Hey Mr. Holmer, do you need to borrow a lighter again?" I said rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Spencer, I came to talk to you about your rent. You haven't paid twice."

"I know. I'll pay you in a week, I promise." I could tell he was upset with me.

"You said that the last time Spencer. I'm sorry but I'm going to have to evict you."

"Mr. Holmer, I promise. I have nowhere to live! I have Lacey to take care of!" I said walking a step further into the hallway, closing the door behind me. "Please I need some time. Give me one more week."

"I'm sorry." His eyes filled with guilt as he saw a tear run down my cheek.

He started allying away trying to stop himself from giving in. My head dropped as my hands went to my face. I stood there in the hall for a couple minutes sobbing quietly to myself. I immediately wiped my face with my shirt when I heard Lacey call for me.

Lacey is my 2 year old daughter. I had her when I was 16. Call me whatever you want. A whore, a sank, I've heard it all. I may be young but she means the world to me. Where's the father? He's long gone. He doesn't even know, never will.

"One second sweetheart!" I wiped my face one more time and took a deep breath as I walked into the apartment. Lacey was hanging off a chair trying to get up. I walked over and picked her up as I held my breath trying not to cry.

"I'm hungry mama."

"What do you want to eat?" I said as I walked into the kitchen.

"Pancakes!" She said with excitement. I was going to tell her to eat some cereal but then I decided she needs something sweet before I tell her about moving.

Once I made Lacey some pancakes I walked over to my desk and shoved my papers into my bag. I picked up my phone and called Chloe and Lexy. Chloe and Lexy are my best friends since before high school. Right now there are living in London, our hometown. When I got pregnant my family practically dis-owned me. They surprised me by putting all their savings towards a plane ticket for me to go live in New York. They are the people I go to when I need help, or in this case a place to live.


"Hey! You haven't called in a while, what's up?!"

"We'll I'm getting evicted."

"Oh my god spencer! What are you going to do?"

"We'll I was going to see if I could live with you?" She got silent.

"I would totally say yes but you don't have any money to fly back here." She was right, I'm screwed.

"Shit, you're right." I am trying not to cry but I am at the point were you can hear it in my voice. "What do I do?"


"Ya?" I was now 'hiccup' crying.

"You should call Louis." She went silent.

"My brother!? No way!"

"Suit yourself. Call me when you figure things out. Love you. Stay safe." She hung up before I could say anything.

I hate it when she's right. I picked up my phone and texted Chloe.



Lexy says I need to talk to Louis....




Why the hell would you do that!?




Cuz I got evicted today..




OMG! Are you okay!?! What r u going to go??? And DON'T call him!




I wasn't planning on it and idk. I will call you when I get it taken care of.


I walked slowly over to the couch and sat down with full force. I sat there staring at the phone wondering what would happen if I did call.




Notes: hey! This is my first story so I hope you enjoy!(:

Love, Kendall <3

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