Chapter 7

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I squinted my eyes open. My head was pounding and I could crusted tears around my eyes. I felt like crap. Now that I told zayn about Harry, I felt a little relieved. I have someone to talk trust.

I rolled out of bed and onto my feet. I stumbled into the bathroom to take a shower. I turned on the shower and blasted the heat. The got water seemed to wash away all the pain. It woke me up and I felt back to normal. As I got out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around my body and let my dripping hair fall. I grabbed a comb and combed out the knotted, long, wet hair. I then opened the bathroom door, that was connected to my room, and walked back into the room. As I headed toward my dresser I saw Lacey fast asleep on the other half of the bed. I dug through my drawers and found a pair of black leggings and a big, baggy t-shirt.

"Before you strip, you should know I'm in here." I jumped back almost stumbling to the ground. He chuckled at my lack of balance.

"Oh my god zayn!" I whispered trying not to wake Lacey.

"I wanted to let you know we are all going out to a fancy dinner tonight at 6, so wear something nice." He still smiling at the fact I was wearing nothing but a towel.

"I don't have anything nice.."

"Then maybe I will take you shopping today. In fact maybe we will all go."

"Okay sounds good." I smiled. But we kinda just stood there. " okay so..can I change now?"

"Oh ya sorry." He began walking out of the room. "Oh and be ready soon." He smiled and finished walking out.

Well so much for these clothes. I went back into my drawer and pulled out a pair of skinny jeans and peachy, pink shirt with gold sandals.

After I was done changing I walked downstairs. Everyone was in the kitchen eating breakfast.

"Morning spenc." Niall smiled.

"Morning guys." I smiled as I finished walking the last couple stairs.

"Okay so so Liam and Harry are going with us...Louis and Niall are too lazy.."

"That's okay..but we're going to miss you." I said with a pouty face. " will you guys watch Lacey? She's not much of a shopper."

"Yes! We will." Niall lit up.

"Haha okay, thanks guys." Louis and Niall smiled.

"Okay. So when will you be ready?" Zayn said turning to me.

" I need to dry my hair and get some makeup on, then I will be ready."

"Okay. Cool."

I straightened my hair and threw on some quick and easy makeup. Lacey had waken up and was already downstairs with Niall and Louis. I kissed her on the forehead and said my goodbyes. Now it's off to the mall.


"How about this?" I turned to look at zayn to find him holding up a short black cocktail dress.


" oh come's hot."

"I would never where that." I turned back to look through the rack of dresses. There was nothing my style. No. No. Gross. Skanky. No. No.

"what about this?" Liam held up and a strapless blue dress that would hang about mid-thigh.


"Just try it on." Zayn grabbed to dress and pushed me towards to changing rooms.

"Zayn." I stepped out of from behind the curtain to find no sign of zayn. Only harry.

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