chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

And when I find a way..i will win you back…

His words played over and over in my head that night. I got barely any sleep last night. He really thought he was going to win me back? Well good luck with that. Besides I’m interested in Jeremy now. Harry should know this.

*buzz buzz* I groaned. This can’t be happening…it’s too early.

*buzz buzz* I groaned again. I reached over and grabbed my phone. It was my alarm. Set for 6:00. I had to pick up Chloe from the airport so I forced myself outta bed.

I dragged myself into the bathroom were I jumped into the boiling hot shower. I needed something to wake me up and this seems to always work. I got out of the shower and walked back into the bedroom quietly. Lacey was still sound asleep and I had not intension of waking her, not this early. I went throw my dresser and found a cute-enough outfit. A Unbuttoned plaid shirt with some grey jeggings and some combat boots….good enough. I threw it on and went back into the bathroom. I took the towel and rung out my hair. I didn’t feel like making myself “pretty” so I just put into a messy bun. Makeup was easy….all natural.

I grabbed my purse and walked down the stairs. I needed Louis to take lacey to daycare again. It was early so I didn’t expect anyone to be anyways. I went through the house and finally into the kitchen.


“Nope.  Just me.” Harry was sitting on the stool to the counter eating cereal while scrolling on his phone. “Need something?”

“uhh, yeah. Can you tell Louis to take lacey to daycare when he gets up?” I awkwardly stood in the doorway to the kitchen.

“Yeah, sure.” His dullness surprised me..this “winning be back” thing sure wasn’t working out for him. I started walking out when I remembered, I don’t know how to get to the airport.

“And can you give me the directions to the airport?”

“I’ll drive you.” And now it begins.

“No that’s okay, I just need-“

“I will drive you.” He stood up this time.

“Harry, I’m fine, I just-“once again I was being cut off.

“Fine but I won’t tell you the directions.” I could tell he was enjoying this.

“I will go ask someone else then.” I started walking towards the stairs.

“They are all asleep and you don’t wanna know how angry they get when they’re woken.” He was trying not to smile, but I could tell he was enjoying it. Unfortunately I know how mad they get and there was no way around this…he won.

“fine.” I turned around abruptly and stormed out the door.

“Can we stop and get a coffee please.” I was still tired. My hot shower didn’t work this time around.

“yeah.” He turned into a coffee shop as soon as he found one.

This shop was small yet cozy. When I walked in the smell of coffee hit me. It smelt amazing. Im not much of a coffee girl but the smell made me want some.

“Hello, what can I get for you, today?” the girl behind the cash register was about my age. She had light brown hair with hazel-brown eyes.

“uhhmm can I get the decaf vanilla latte please?” she smiled and nodded. She moved towards the back and started to work. “Do you do this all by yourself?”  She looked up from her work and sweetly smiled.

“No. sometimes my friends come in and help me.” My mouth dropped. She ran this coffee shop alone and yet made amazing coffee?

“wow.” I was amazing. “Well if you need any help, I would love to help out.”

“No that’s okay, I’m fine.” She smiled again.

“I’m spencer.” I smiled and stretched out my arm. She took it.

“Morgan.”  I smiled.

“I’m harry.” I almost forgot..he was here too.

“Nice to meet you guys.” After I got my coffee I gave her a tip with the money I didn’t have. I thought it was the right thing to do. We said goodbye and were back on the road to the airport.

The car ride was quiet. But it wasn’t awkward, just quiet. I needed some time to just rest. Right now I was too tired to talk or think about anything. In fact I fell asleep.

“spenc wake up.” I was shaken.

“What?” I lightly groaned.

“You fell asleep on the car ride.” I squinted my eyes and finally began to see straight.

“What time is it?” he looked at him watch.

“7:45.” I yawned and stretched. Although it was a short nap, it was well needed.

We had 15 minutes till she landed so we started walking in. the airport was crowded…like always. We sat down in the “waiting area” place. It was also crowded. Luckily full of older people who didn’t recognized harry.  We still had time so we sat and waited. I sat down looking threw my phone. I had a text from Louis.

To: Spencer

From: Louis

Lacey wants you.. She’s crying…:/ what do I do??? Help!

To: Louis

From: Spencer

Tell her I will see her after daycare and that I love her…and let her bring her stuffed monkey with her today. That always helps.

“Texting Lou?” Harry’s voice startled me.


All of a sudden a ton of people started walking towards us. None of them were chloe. I looked around but still no sign, so I waited. Finally all the people had cleared and I could see chloe.

“Chloe!” I shouted across the airport as I started running.

“spenc!” she saw me and dropped all her stuff. We ran until we were suddenly embracing eachother. I hadn’t seen her in forever. This is the first time since I left London.  “wait.” She pulled away and started to finish. “There someone I want you to see.” I was confused. Did she really bring a guy with her? Really? She ruined a perfectly good moment. But when she called out to the person I was completely wrong.


“spenc!” soon enough she ran towards me and hugged me tightly. After a couple seconds Chloe joined in on the hug. We stayed like this for a long time, taking in each other’s presence.

“What are you doing here?!”

“What are you not happy to see me?” she teased.

“No! I’m just in shock!”

“I thought she might wanna come along.” Chloe smiled.

“I can’t even believe this.” I had the stupidest smile on my face. I couldn’t be happier.

We were interrupted by a fake cough. I turned to harry who was standing there awkwardly.

“Hey guys.”  Wow harry…..

“Hey harry.” Chloe said nudging me. He chuckled.

“harry.” Lexy didn’t seem to pleased to see him. We were on the same page. Good.

“Well let’s get out of here.” I smiled lifting all of their bags.

“Oh spenc, you don’t have to carry all of them.” Lexy saw my struggle.

“I know.” I walked up to harry and dropped everything into his arms and smiled. He rolled his eyes and followed behind us.


So what do you think?? Comment if I should keep going or not. I need more reads and followers, help me??? Haha anyways what do you think is going to happen?? Comment!

                             Love, Kendall(: 

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