chapter 17

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the picture to the right is the night they said i love you(:    ---------->

Chapter 17:

“Spenc.” I was shaken lightly. “spencer.” Then I was shaken roughly. I just groaned.

“What?!” I screamed.

“Get your lazy ass up!” she yelled back as she shook me again.

“What the hell! Get the fuck off me bitch!” I yelled as she jumped on top of me.

“NIALL!” she screamed. You could hear his loud footsteps as he ran up the stairs.

“what?!” I couldn't hear what they were saying but I could tell they were planning something.

A second later I was in Niall’s arms as he ran out of the room.

"NIALL!" I screamed as he ran down the stairs. He didn't listen he just kept running through the large house. "NIALL PUT ME DOWN!"

"What's going on?!" Everyone said as they saw Niall carry me through the house.

"Put her down I think she's awake." Zayn said. But he didn't listen he opened the back door and ran towards the pool.

I wasn't strong enough to squirm away so I quickly wrapped my legs around his waist and dug my head into his neck. I looked as though I was about to die or something.

"Niall! She can't swim." He stopped. I looked up to see Harry's hand on Niall’s shoulder.

"Oh my god spenc I'm sorry I didn't know." He pleaded.

"It's okay."

"You can let go now." He laughed. I looked down and realized I was still tightly hanging on to him.

"Right...sorry." I unwrapped my legs from his waist and drop down.

"Breakfast is ready, want some?" Harry said cutting in.

"Yeah." And we walked back in.

"Are you going to the studio with us?" Liam asked.

"Yeah." They all smiled.

"Cool." Niall added.

"Okay well I'm going to go get ready." I said as I stood up and carried my plate to the sink. "See you guys there." I smiled and walked out.

The day at the studio went somewhat well. It was awkward at some points. Example when Chloe made us show the boys some dance moves I wasn’t proud of.  By the end of the day they finally could dance a little better, but they still have a long way to go. It was 5 o’clock when we got home. We were all worn out and just decided to have movie night.

“Hey spenc, can you go get harry and tell him we are watching a movie?” Niall asked.

“Why me?” I groaned.

“You are the only one up?” I looked around and noticed everyone was sitting down except for me.

“fine.” I huffed. I turned and walked up the long tiring stairs. The hallway was lightly darkened but not quite. I finally made it to Harry’s room. I knocked then walked in.

“harry.” I said walking further into the room. He wasn’t there. “harry?” I said again. I didn’t repeat it I just looked around the room. The room was spotless. Harry has always been a very clean person so it didn’t surprise me. A book laying on his nightstand caught my eye. I walked over and picked it up. It was A Walk to Remember. This is a very good book. I’m actually surprised he is reading this. I laughed to myself. I opened the book and flipped through all the pages. Then something fell out of it. I looked down and there laid a piece of paper. I bent down and picked it up. I turned it over and was shocked. It was a picture of us. Not only was it a picture of us, it was the picture of us the night he told me he loved me for the first time. I just stared at it. It was long before I got pregnant. When we were happy.

“like that book?” I jumped as I turned around. Harry was leaning in the doorway.

“uhh yeah.” I quickly put the picture back in the book and put it down.

“wachya got there?” he walked over to me and reached behind me his eyes never leaving mine. He opened the book and pulled out the picture out. “you lost my place.” He laughed.

“i-im sorry.” He laughed again.

“I guess you saw my bookmark.” He said looking down at it. “do you like it.” He looked back up at me. His eyes stared into as he waited for me to reply.

“uhh. Yeah. It’s nice.” I quickly pushed my hair behind my ear. He laughed again.

“Yeah.  Do you remember when this was taken?” yes.

“uhh yeah.” I looked away.

“haha. I would offer it to you but it’s my favorite.” I smiled. “So what are you doing in here anyways?”

“Movie night. W-we’re starting a movie.” He started leaning in. oh god. Okay you’re ready for this. Just take a deep breath. But then he turned around and walked away. What?

“Well aren’t you coming?” he turned back around as he got to the door. He laughed when he saw my confused face. “Surprised?” I just stood there. Honestly I was disappointed. “When you want me to kiss you…just say.” He winked then walked out.


Sorry so short. I really enjoyed writing this chapter for some reason. Hahha comment what you think(: and vote!!!

                                                                Love, Kendall<3

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