Chapter 36: Last Call

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Pulling back up at the house faster than he left it, Jeremy was just too piss to park it back in the garage, so he just turned it off and kept it parked in his driveway.

"Fuckin' polices, their yellow tape, their masks, fuckin' beer virus, Covid, fuck everything!" He said, as just opened his door and got out of his truck. "I need a fuckin' drink."

Taking out his camera equipment, closing his door, and locking it back, Jeremy wasted no time getting back to his front porch.


After putting everything back in the camera room and resetting everything back up, Jeremy decided to head back through the living room and make his way over to the kitchen.

Grabbing a glass cup, filling it with a few pieces of ice, grabbing his Henny, and pouring it up, Jeremy shook his up before he brought it up to his lips and took a drink.

Then, he just remained there thinking and staring off into space like an angry woman in a Lifetime movie.

He remained that way for a few more minutes.

All of a sudden, his phone started ringing.

Sitting his cup down on the countertop beside him, Jeremy quickly pulled his phone out of his pants pocket with a smile and high hopes of Trevor calling him back.

Unfortunately, it wasn't him, but it was Katina calling him, and he was actually thankful that she did.

He could use a friend, right now.

Smiling nonetheless and sliding the green phone over, Jeremy quickly answered it.

"Hey beautiful!" He said, as a smile came across his face.
"Hey handsome," she said, as he could tell she was smiling on the other end.


JEREMY: What you doing? Why are you whispering?
TINA: Nothing, laying in the bed with the wifey. She knocked out, though. That's why I'm kinda whispering right now. What you doing?
JEREMY: Must be nice, and not shit now. Trevor's not here, and I had to cancel all my photography plans at the beach, today.
TINA: Where's Trevor and why?
JEREMY: He's still at his client's house and cause of that damn Corona virus. Fuckin' cops closed it down.
TINA: Oh okay, and I understand closing down restaurants, shops, and stores but a beach? Where the fuck they do that at? That's nature.
JEREMY: Apparently here in the city of angels, beautiful, but that's what happened, though. It's all good.
TINA: Damn, I seen that on the news. They've been closing places down all morning, even my favorite hair salon. By next week, the whole city of LA will be closed, but at least we gone be quarantining! *Smiles*
JEREMY: Geez, somebody sounds excited about this "quarantining".
TINA: I am, and you should be, too. Not only will we be at our homes, but your boo will be quarantining with you, and I hope you got plenty of food. Y'all are animals.
JEREMY: As for the food, I do. As for T, well...I don't know about that. You see, Trevor...he- I didn't exactly-
TINA: Woah Jay, you sound kinda unsure about something. He is your boo, right? You did tell him, did you?
JEREMY: Actually...nah, that's actually what I was gonna tell you. I didn't. I uhh... I chi-chickened out.
TINA: *gasps* Oh no.
JEREMY: Instead of telling him that I love him, I told him some bullshit ass joke. I was like, "I love the fact that I already owe you an ass whooping", cause he hit my lip."
TINA: Wait, he hit you in the lip? When?
JEREMY: In chapter 24
TINA: *laughs* Oh okay, I remember it, now.
JEREMY: Yeah, *winks* but I am so ma'fuckin' embarrassed.
TINA: Aww, no need to be embarrassed 'bout it, cause you know that we both know that I know that feeling but hey I told you it wasn't gonna be easy.
JEREMY: And you're right. I was so sure. I had him right there, body to body, chest to chest, and eyes to eyes. The words "I" "love" "you" and his name "Trevor" was at the tip of my tongue. Then bam, I turned into a little bitch on him. My balls went back up in me. *Laughs*
TINA: *laughs* So what happened after that?
JEREMY: Well, we did have sex, but it wasn't the same. The chemistry was still there, but it wasn't as strong, as it normally be between us. It's almost like he knew I wanted to tell him, but he also knew that I backed down and changed the subject. His body language was off. He seem tired...of me. He couldn't even look at me anymore.
TINA: Damn, sounds like he was disappointed in something.
JEREMY: Don't it?!
TINA: Yes! Damn, he's good. Sounds like he can read you.
JEREMY: *laughs* yeah, I guess you can say that. I just wish if that is the real case, he would've showed a more positive to side to it.
TINA: Like more understanding?
JEREMY: Yeah beautiful, more understanding, but it didn't seem like he did. I missed him this morning when he left, and he's been gone for a while now and hasn't answered his phone the one time I called him. Guess I will never know until later on, though.
TINA: Yeah, just try to hang in there. Give him more time. Don't stress yourself over it. Remember, you guys are not an item...quite yet. You don't wanna be stressing and getting gray hairs over something that's not all the way yours. Trust me... I know what I'm talking about.
JEREMY: I know for a fact you do
and you're right, you're right.
TINA: Stop being so hard on yourself, too.
JEREMY: Damn, that's all I have been doing. Maybe, that could be a sign? What if he's not rightfully mine? What if we don't belong together? What if we just have good sexual chemistry with each other and nothing more?
TINA: Aye, that could be logical. Like you said, that could be a sign that you guys don't belong together.
JEREMY: Yeah, maybe I been tripping this whole time. You know what I'm sayin'? I don't love that nigga...? I don't even like that nigga, his peanut butter ass.
TINA: *laughs* nah, you don't mean that.
JEREMY: *laughs* yeah, I can't even sit here, bullshit with you, and imagine a different scenerio, because I really do love Trevor. That nigga has my heart. I know for a fact we belong together. That's my baby. You feel me?
TINA: I agree. You 2 were made for each other. 6 years is nothing to throw away? God kept y'all close for a reason, just like me and Dasia.
JEREMY: Speaking of Dee-Dee, did you ever find yo balls and tell her?
TINA: Actually yes, yes I did, this morning to be exact.
JEREMY: How she take it?
TINA: She took it...better than I hope she would.
JEREMY: What she do? Put on a sexy ass cheerleader outfit and grabbed some pom-poms?
TINA: No, actually I did.
JEREMY: What?!
TINA: *laughs* I'm joking. I'm joking. My body too thicc to be jumping around. Our house ain't paid for yet.
JEREMY: *cackles* You crazy as hell, beautiful but yo tell what's up. What happened?
TINA: Well, we were sitting in the tub together, just kissing, bathing in soap suds, and exploring each other bodies. Then, she wanted me to bathe her back and give her a shoulders massage, so I did just that.
JEREMY: Damn, wouldn't I love to be a fly on the wall for that one?
TINA: *laughs* anyway, she starts telling me how much she appreciates me and the fact that she thanks God everyday for me and me hearing that...of course I got emotional. I'm soft. She's more of a thug than I am. Anyway, she turned back to face me, cried with me, and we even wiped each other's tears. Then, I looked her in her eyes, and I told her, "I love you, Dasia. I have for a while".
JEREMY: Aww beautiful, you found your balls.
TINA: I did! Ooh shit, I mean I did. I made her stir, but yeah I did, and I thank God for that.
JEREMY: Amen, so what did she say?
TINA: Bitch, what the hell took you so fuckin' long? I love you, too. *Laughs*
JEREMY: Aww, fuck a Disney. This shit is real. Dreams really do come true.
TINA: Yes, we agreed to take it slow and build from there, and you know what? That can happen with you, too. You just gotta do it when the time is right.
JEREMY: *nods his head* you're right. You're right.
TINA: Until then, let me get off this phone, so I can cuddle with my boo, and you can call yours or wait on him to call you.
JEREMY: I'ma try to give him more time like you but if 30 minutes pass by I'ma call his ass.
TINA: *laughs* Okay handsome, do that if it comes down to it, love you.
JEREMY: love you too, beautiful. Later.
TINA: Later.

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