Chapter 39: Up Close

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"Ow!" Trevor shouted, with a gasp and a wince, as he held on to Jeremy's shoulders for dear life. "Jay easy!"
"Sorry T," Jeremy said in a softer tone of voice, as he kept a firm hold on Trevor's side.
"It's okay..." Trevor gasped and cried out with another wince of pain and another painful groan, as Jeremy was currently helping him enter into his (Jeremy's) bedroom. "Mm...ahh! Shit!"

Finally making it over to his bed, Jeremy carefully and gently sat his injured best friend down on it.

He made sure Trevor was secured and comfortable before he left him alone briefly to walk across his bedroom.

On the bathroom side, he went over to the shower and turned it on.

Watching a slightly limping Jeremy handle the shower from sitting on Jeremy's bed, Trevor didn't know whether to make a run for it or to just stay where he sat and just go with the flow.

To be honest, the second option seem like the best option.

Even if he could make a run for it, he wouldn't get far, so it would be no use anyway.

He honestly feared for his life right now, and he didn't know if the man he was watching right now was Jeremy, if this was a newfound monster that possessed the body of his best friend, or if this monster had been his best friend all along.

He just didn't know. As fast as their violent altercation happened, anything could at the drop of a dime. He just prayed he could make it through the night.

At the same time, Trevor questioed, what if he, Trevor himself, created this monster that Jeremy had became?

It's possible he could've said something. It's possible he could've done something to create it.

It's also possible he didn't say enough. It's also possible he didn't do enough and still created this monster.

But what? Why? How? If it's something more?

Yeah, he was aware that he told Jeremy he would have to kill him in order to get him out of that house, but he didn't think the man would actually try it.

Strangely, it actually made him appreciate his own life a little more than he had before after seeing it flash before his eyes.

Sighing and looking down, he never thought he would have to go through something like this... especially with Jeremy.

This may have not been their first time fighting, but this was the first that they ever drew blood and bruises from one another.

And, he wondered...

How did it get like this?
What happened to them?

Why was his questions still unanswered?

Back with Jeremy, he sighed and paced a little. As he did this, it was like his eyes had a mind of their own, as they led him to his bathroom mirror.

Finding himself in the mirror, he started moving over closer it, so he could look at his reflection.

His eyes were red from the crying. The cut on his swollen eyebrow had managed to dry up, and there was a long blood stain on the side his face. The blood on his lip was dry as well. It still throbbed but not as strongly as it did before.

Bringing a hand up, he gently touched his jaw, and he immediately winced from the pain.

Trevor did his thing.
Quickly bringing his hand back down, he stared at himself a little longer. While he did this, it was like the mirror has magically turned into a memory storage, as it had started playing back the sweet memories of him and Trevor in the form of flashes.

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