Chapter One- Goodbyes

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Author's Note- I only own the characters I make. Also I hope I'm playing Kara right and I know this scene isn't the same as what actually happened. Like the same words. I hope you like it. I'm already working on the next chapter.
Kara Danvers POV-
Tears fell down my cheeks as I said goodbye to Mon-el, my love. My hand felt my neck where my mother's necklace hang. I took it off then put it in Mon-el's hands and kissed him on the lips. He was running out of air to breathe so I had to be quick or he would die before I could even try to save him.
"I love you, so much. Remember that, and me, " I said as more tears left my eyes as I said 'me'.
"I love you too, " Mon-el said with a sad smile after whipping away a couple of tears from my face. I tried to smile back, crying too much to fully smile, as I sent his pod, which had been mine, into outer space. Once I couldn't see his pod anymore I looked down at the ground still crying unable to stop then fell onto the ground from kneeling to onto my butt. I stayed there thinking- hoping and crying. Hoping that he would be ok, that I could see him again, and that I hadn't just killed him by sending him into space. Finally, I started walking home then realized I was Supergirl not Kara right now and no one wanted to see a crying Supergirl so I flew instead. As soon as I got home I saw my blanket, the blue one me and Mon-el had cuddled with so many times. I wrapped myself in it on the couch. My expression must have seemed hurt. I wasn't crying but I could've been. I had to start thinking it was for the best. But I missed Mon-el so much already. I turned the tv on to distract myself. The news channel came on since that's what I had on last. They were saying the Daximites were gone (though they don't know they're called that). I lifted my mouth to smile, glad that they wouldn't hurt any more people but hurt that my only love couldn't be with me anymore. He couldn't make me pancakes anymore even if he burnt them. We can't train together or even see each other. Some tears fell down my cheeks as I heard a knock on the door. The news moved to the weather. I automatically used my x-ray vision to see who was at the door. It was Alex... I noticed a bag in her hand. Potstickers! I practically jumped from my seat before remembering to let her in.
"Come in, " I told her. I hadn't bothered to lock the door. I was strong enough to defend myself if needed anyway. Alex opened the door and sat next to me after locking the door. She put the paper bag with the potstickers on the table in front of us. I eyed her movement with them.
"I've brought potstickers, " Alex said then took in my state how I had cried so much. She frowned then said, " It'll be ok. You'll be ok. I know it."
"H-how do you know it'll be ok?" I asked my voice cracking in the beginning from not talking much. Alex shrugged.
"I don't really I guess. I just know you chose the right thing and I know you. You can do pretty much anything. I'd say you can survive this. It's just one more obstacle to overcome... Now, how bought some potstickers." Alex grabbed the bag and put what was in the bag on the table. I smiled.
"Thank you, " I whispered then grabbed a fork and stabbed it into a potsticker. She knew how to cheer me up. We finished eating, me getting more of them, then we watched a movie. Alex wanted to watch some crime movie but we ended up watching the Wizard of Oz. I almost forgot about Mon-el leaving but as soon as my brain got a chance to think about something it thought about him. At first, I smiled at the thought of him because I love him but then I frowned because he's gone.
"You succeeded in cheering me up, " I said then added, " For now at least, " knowing I was already sad. Alex smiled.
"I hope you feel better. Call me if you need anything." Alex headed for the door, I followed her.
"Ok same here, " I replied. We said bye then Alex left. I locked the door then went to sit back down on the couch but suddenly felt nauseous. Like I was going to throw up in a second. My hand held onto my stomach as I ran to the toilet and threw up in it. My hair went in my face which I struggled to keep out. I needed to change back into normal clothes to be Kara soon but why was I sick? I felt fine a minute ago. The food was fine, amazing actually. I decided to think nothing of it but would if it happened again. I fell asleep on my couch, earlier than I got to bed normally. I'd felt tired already which I thought was strange.

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