Chapter Eight- Time

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Time goes quick. A little too quick for me. First, one month passed. My suit was even getting tight. Reign was my newest villain and Samantha was my newest friend. I didn't know how I would cover up the fact that I'm pregnant from the world and this would have been another reason for Ms. Grant to suspect me of being Supergirl. My cape got ripped from my recent fight with Reign and I passed out. My forehead had even bled. The pain hurt so badly when I woke up the next day. I looked into my mirror and saw that my belly had grown even more. Five months have passed by now. I quickly changed into the newest clothes I'd bought since I wouldn't fit my clothes for now. I had a dress flannel on that was a size bigger than my normal size and jeans. My phone buzzed. Then it buzzed again. I shook my head slightly. Probably Alex. I unlocked my phone and looked at the messages as I sat on my couch.
"We need you. Now. At D.E.O" - Alex
"K. Coming." I responded. I put my phone on my coffee table then ran out of my apartment balcony and tore off my shirt and flew as Supergirl. The girl of steel.
"I'm here," I said when I got there. I landed lightly on my left knee then started walking to the main room. "Alex?" I asked," J'o-" I started but was stopped when the lights came on and people jumped out of there hiding places.
"Suprise!" Everyone yelled, my sister the loudest. I smiled. No villain, ok...
"Thanks," I said. I saw that there were pot stickers on a table and a cake next to them. Yum.  Alex came up to me and hugged me causing me to smile again.
"Thanks," I repeated.
"No problem," Alex answered. We ate the cake. They had the bread part of the cake died pink and blue because I'm having a baby. We didn't know what the gender was yet so I guess they just decided to use both colors. I ate most of the potstickers after, I shared don't worry.

Two Months Later...
Four months have passed now wow my belly's got big. Not huge but still bigger. I was starting to get over my loss all the way. I decided to give myself bangs. Why not try something new? I met a new co-worker and published some success full things. It needed to go to work today. I supposedly had a new co-worker who I had to help out a little. Her name was Nia Nal. I quickly changed into a loose white button-up shirt with a pink cardigan and a black skirt. I grabbed my bag and headed to work. Oops, almost forgot my glasses. I got my glasses. Then, went to catco. My heart was racing from making sure I got there on time I barely looked over at the person next to me. I was to busy making sure I had everything.
"Oh," sigh, "I am so late," the woman said. I stopped worrying because I was in the the building and was now smiling. I liked my job. I had everything I needed. "I'm always punctual and of course when it matters my new roommate took the keys to my rental car...," she kept talking about how her day had gotten ruined. She seemed... Like me. Wow. I smirked from the realization. Then she started talking about coffee, "And all I wanted to do was make a good impression on Ms...," she looked at me and paused. Why'd she paused? My question was immediately answered, "Danvers." Ohhh so she's Nia Nal. "It's you." She sounded like she had just met a celebrity who she planned all day to meet but had a million problems that she faced thoughtout the day.
"Uh," I started, "It's Kara."
"I'm Nia. It's so nice to meet you." She put her hand out to shake it. I shook then said, "Cat says amazing things about you." Then she handed me the coffee, which I didn't expect. She looked at my belly, for the first time it seemed as she hadn't noticed that I was pregnant yet, and said, "Oh... But maybe you shouldn't drink it."
"Ohh it's fine. You're a reporter you don't have to give me coffee."
"Oh I know but Ms. Grant said you liked latte's and she said you were particular about the temperature so of course I had it perfectly planned out but," her hands went up flying then back down and my face had a "I can't believe it" expression. "And my plan went haywire thanks to my roommate and I-," she adjusted her purse strap, "It's probably to cold by now. I'm sorry." Wow she sounded like me on my first day.
"Oh my God," I said stunned, "You're me."
"I am?" she asked.
"Yeah, totally. It's-it's unnerving," I answered as the doors opened. We walked out and continued our conversation.
"Am I being you now? I can totally stop." We had a meeting to go to so I'd have to end the conversation.
"Hey, no it's okay, let's just get into the meeting," I finished our conversation as we walked into where the meeting was taking place. Nia seemed nice but also like she constantly made sure everything was right. After work I headed to the DEO where they told me about a ship they had noticed that was literally living under us. Me, J'onn, and Winn decided to go check it out.

I wrote another chapter yay! The next one should be longer. I started school last week so I was a little busy but I'll try to write more. Anyone like the story? I had to include the Nia scene. I watched a video of the actual scene and it's just so funny. I put the link in the top. Bye I should go to bed. - Anna follow and rate plz

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