Chapter Nine- Found

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Btw I realized I messed up when some things happen but whatever.
"I have to go," I quickly whispered to Nia. She slightly nodded her head then I ran out of the building(by going through the elevator first). J'onn said Winn could come too. The three of us were going to check out the ship. I got to the street they told me to go to. I quickly saw them.
"So how are we going to do this?" Winn asked. I could break through the ground with my super strength.
"Ok everyone back up," I said while making sure no one was near us. Winn was interested in what my way was but J'onn didn't seem to be paying attention.
"I have a better way," J'onn finally said. He pulled us together in a hug. Not usual for him.
"What? Are you doing?" Winn asked. He also felt like this was strange.
"I have a way that won't ruin the city," He said. He led us away from the main street.
"Aww, I kind of wanted to see that," Winn said but J'onn just ignored him. One second we were standing on the pavement the next we were floating through solid ground. It was like we became liquid. The ship was dark but I could see that the tech was very advanced. We heard someone walking towards us, or us walking to them.
"Who's there?" I asked while putting my fists up ready to fight. Probably because of my pregnancy if someone tried to hurt me or my friends I'd go all out attempting to stop them. J'onn was holding his gun up and Winn was standing defensively behind us(he couldn't really do much since he's more of a tech kind of guy). I saw someone from the shadows who had a beard and a gun in his hand slowly walk toward us. If I were the person I would have shot myself already. Then I realized why. He recognized my voice. As soon as I saw him my fists fell to the ground and my eyes started watering.
"Mon-el," I whispered as I pulled him into a hug. The gun he was previously holding had fallen to the floor. Winn and J'onn stood next to me obviously waiting to hug Mon-el. Winn's face was surprised and happy and J'onn seemed like he was glad he got a team member back but he seemed curious too.
"Kara," Mon-el said after a second. We let go of our hug then he hugged Winn then J'onn, each a quicker hug than the previous.
"What are you doing here?" I asked. As we had walked down the halls we saw people laying in some kind of pod or bed thing. So there were obviously other people here.
"I-," He started but didn't finish, "I don't think I can say." Why not?
"Why?" I asked.
"Did you come from the future?" Winn asked. He must have been trying to figure out why. Mon-el nodded.
"Actually...," Mon-el started to say, he looked around the ship, "I might have to. I think I'll need your help."
"Alright," J'onn said. We brought him back to the DEO and let him have some food. He told us as much as he could. He and his team were "hibernating" you could say to get to a certain time to fix something(he wouldn't say what) but their ship got hit by something and he woke up. He said that he has to wake up the others or else they'd die. He told us that the others are his friend's brainiac and Imra. He ate a hamburger and drank coffee. He wolfed it all down. I guess he was hungry. I wasn't about to point out that I was carrying his baby, not that I remembered(besides that I could feel the baby in me) I was just so focused on the fact that he was back. He didn't seem to notice that my belly was big until after he finished eating. My belly was halfway under the table I was sitting and my arms were crossed right about my belly.
"You-You're," Mon-el tried to say. I'd told so many people that I was pregnant that it was just so natural now to be like "hey, yeah I'm pregnant."
"Yeah," I nodded my head slightly, "I'm pregnant." As I said it I thought of how life could have been if Mon-el didn't leave and my smile faded. He was back now though right? It seemed like he had made a life in another time though also.
"With who's baby?" He asked. I think he guessed it could be his.
I looked at my belly then at him, into his beautiful eyes, as I said, "Yours." He caught his breath for a moment then remembered to breathe.
"I'm so sorry I couldn't have been there for you," He said. It sounded like he really meant it.
"You're here now though...," I wasn't sure what I should think, "Right?" He reached across the table and pulled my hand anyway from the position it was in and laid it on the table so he could hold it.
"Yes, I'm here," He said. I smiled, almost cried. I didn't think of asking if he had a girlfriend or wife even, since I was too caught up in the moment.
"You have a beard," I whispered. He grinned.
"Yeah, I do... I had a lot of time to grow it."
"You were only gone for a couple of months," I said. He seemed to think differently. He seemed wiser. He shook his head.
"It was a couple of years for me," He answered.
"Ohh," I said and looked down. So much could have happened. What if he doesn't even think about me anymore? As if he knew what I was worried about he pulled out a necklace from his pocket and put it in the palm of my hand he was holding. It was the necklace I had given him. He still had it. I looked into his eyes again, he was looking in mine now too.
"You kept it."
"Of course I did. I always think about you, hoping that one day I could see you again." This made me smile.
"And now you see me." He nodded. I wish I could kiss him. I just don't want to push any boundaries.
"I still love you, you know," I said. Our conversation was almost over. He smiled.
"I do too," He responded. Hopefully, he didn't mean as a friend. We changed the topic and this time included our team in helping Mon-el's friends. It wasn't as hard as Mon-el made it sound to make sure Brainiac and Imra were safe.
"Nice to meet you," I told Irma on the balcony of the DEO.
"Yeah, you too. Mon-el has told me a lot about you," She answered. Mon-el's told someone about me? I liked that he was talking about me but he told a girl about me. That I didn't like. I hadn't told her yet that my baby was also Mon-el's though I'm sure she'd learn soon.
"Really? How close are you two?" I asked. She must know how close I and Mon-el are... Or were.
"We're dating," Imra quickly responded. That depleted my hope but it's only dating, right? It's not like they'd marry? Would they? Maybe I would have to move on eventually.
"That's great," I lied plastering a fake smile. It got tense around us for a second then Imra changed the conversation, obviously noticing.
"I've really tried to be like you. Mon-el told me how great a Superhero you are. How you never stop trying to help, you stay confident and have faith even if it's only you fighting." At least she thought well of me... Supergirl but still me. I smiled, a real smile, that's nice.
"So you're a superhero?" I asked. She hadn't told us what she calls herself yet.
"Yeah. Saturn Girl. Because I'm kind of from Saturn." Interesting.
"Cool. Nice to meet you Saturn Girl. I'm sure you're a great superhero. I'd like to talk to... Don't you call him brainy?" Imra nodded her head, "I'm going to see if I can meet him." With that, I left the balcony and walked through the DEO unsuccessful on my plan though so I decided to head back to my apartment. I didn't plan on switching back to Kara yet. As I entered I saw some giant plant on my ceiling. Before I had time to react it flung at me, making me fall to the ground, and I was knocked out.

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