Chapter Ten- Asleep

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I opened my eyes and saw that I was in my apartment. The first thing I noticed was the picture of my cat Streaky. Then I looked down, specifically at my belly. I expected to see it bulging out of me but it was normal. Why is it normal? I put my hands over my belly, it felt like I'd lost a part of me. As I thought about it I realized that I didn't even know the gender yet. Then I heard a cry coming from my bedroom. I knew who it was. It was my baby. I walked to my bedroom to open the door but it would be open. Why won't the door open? I quickly ran to my apartment door to see if that one would open. I wasn't sure what was going on. I fidgeted with the handle but it didn't budge. I turned back around. Now that I thought about it my apartment looked neater than it was. And I had three pictures of Mon-el (some had me in it) which I didn't have that many in my apartment. The pictures made me almost want to cry. I'd just found out about Mon-el already having someone. It seemed I was still extra emotional. I turned back to the door, wanting to get those thoughts out of my mind, and tried to open the door.
"Come on," I said while breaking down. Then I heard someone softly land on the ground. I held back my tears and turned toward the noise. Someone with white shoulder-length hair that was pushed back to not get in his face, with a black suit on, and silver-colored skin, with three circles that lit up white on his forehead. Obviously something alien like.
"Who are you?" I said. My voice sounded scared but defending like I'd defend myself if he tried to hurt me. He pointed himself and said, "I am brainiac 5. You may call me Brainy thought if that pleases you." He talked very... Technical? He seemed smart.
"Ok... I assume you know who I am." He nodded his head in reply. "Why are you here?"
"I'm going to get you out of here," He answered.
"What is 'here'?" I looked around and gestured to my loft.
"You've been in a coma for almost two months." My jaw fell open. But... From what? I should be pregnant. I should be having my baby soon then. I needed to get back. I noticed him looming around.
"What are you doing?" I questioned.
"I'm checking to make sure there is no brain damage. And you sure think about Mon-el a lot," He answered. As I looked around I noticed more pictures of him than I had seen before, some had me with a big belly with him and others had me and him holding our baby. I heard a cry from my room and I started to panic. At the same time, Brainy turned his head to where the cry came from. I had to get back. What if I died? Then my baby would die. I couldn't let that happen.
"You should calm down," Brainy said. How can I calm down? I need to get back.
"I can't," I answered then realized maybe calming down would be sensible. So I breathed in my nose, out my mouth, and turned around to him. "How do I get out?" He looked at the door, which I'd tried to open many times.
"It must be the door," He said while walking to it. He tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. I remember that I'm an alien so I try punching the door down. All it does is hurt my hand.
"Ugh. Why won't it open?" I asked my frustration resurfacing.
"Well, you were beaten pretty bad. Maybe fear of something?" I tried thinking about what that could be but I shook my head in denial.
"But I fought her a while ago," I said. His eyes widened a bit.
"How long ago?" He asked.
I shrugged, "A week ago maybe," I said. His face said that he'd realized something. "What?" I asked getting worried.
"You've been dreaming. We must have got you stable enough that you realized that something was wrong... Now you just have to get out." He didn't seem to know how. So I had some fear that I had to get over. And I imagined all of that stuff with Mon-el. Maybe he isn't dating her? I walked over to my couch to process everything. Then I remembered his previous mention.
"Is there any brain damage?" I asked looking up at him. He looked around once more.
"I don't think so... It seems you're hiding something," He finished looking at my bedroom door. The cries had come from there. I felt my stomach not like itself like it wanted me to puke. He noticed this. "You need to figure that out first," He said gesturing to my bedroom.
"Ok," I said.
"I must be going now. But you need to figure this out soon. Luckily your body's growing normally but with that if you're not awake by... A month well... You're baby could die," He said. I sat up straighter. I couldn't let her die.
"Ok," I said then he was gone. I carefully stood up. I knew whatever was behind my door I was scared of admitting, or something like that. I slowly swiftly walked to my bedroom door. I twisted the knob. It was unlocked. I looked around the room feeling like I was ready to open the door. Finally, after another thought about it, I opened the door. As soon as I saw the love of my life I realized what I was worried about. Mon-el might be the love of my life in one way but my baby is a whole other meaning of love. I felt myself gain hope. There was a pink crib across from the door and in front of my bed. There was a pole coming out of the front that had little toys hanging from it. In the inside of the crib was a blanket tucked into it so it would stay with roses. There also were two stuffed animals. A lamb with a pink face and white fur. The fur was like tiny strands of hair sticking out which made it more lively. It stood and looking like a real lambs shape. Its eyes were black but had the reflection of what it was pointed at was. Its feet were also pink and were like hoofs, like a normal lamb but more round. Its small tail was white. It reminded me of an animal I'd seen at a store. The next animal was a dark brown, chocolate probably colored dog stuffed animal with pointy ears that stood up. It had a black pupil and a brown outline for its eyes. A drawing of a beach was on the wall that the crib was against along with the words, ' Always and Forever '. I smiled. I've been so worried about my baby that I haven't gotten much chance to do much else. And to add to that the baby is also someone I know I still love, but should I be loving him still? I walked in front of the crib. She smiled. The backboard read 'Grace.' I grinned. That's a beautiful name. I picked Grace up. I remembered that this isn't real but it could be. I do like the name Grace. It means elegance, or someone doing something else for someone who doesn't deserve it. The perfect name. She had my face, Mon-el's hair color and eye color, my eye shape, and my body. She looked perfect, amazing. I loved her. Always will. I heard a click come from the distance. I kissed her forehead causing her to grin then grab onto a hairpiece of mine but I had to put her down. I needed to get out of this coma so I could really have a life with her, possibly Mon-el too.

I walked out of my bedroom and into the living room area then made my way to the loft door. I held onto the handle. It felt cold, sent a small shiver down my spine. I twisted the doorknob it immediately opened. I swung the door open and walked out-

I gasped and jumped up to a sitting position. I was awake.
Hoped you liked the chapter- bye Anna vote

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