Chapter 11- Love

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Be prepared.... Hope y'all like it
The first thing I noticed was my much bigger belly. Then I noticed lights filling the room, probably helping to keep me alive. Then finally I noticed who was around me. I was obviously in the DEO but the people surrounding me were Alex, my sister, and Mon-el. I smiled. Mon-el immediately ran up to me and hugged me. Then there was a slight pause like he was thinking about something, then he kissed my lips. I returned the kiss and put my arm around him. I'm sure it would have gone longer if Alex didn't break us up.
"Hey! I want to get to hug my sister," Alex said then hugged me. I laughed.
"Hi Alex," I replied, "Nice to see you." Alex let go and Mon-el stood next to me again. I kept smiling, he still cared about me. Mon-el was looking at my belly, which made me grin but then I realized that I was going to be due soon. I swung my legs over the bed to get ready to get off. As I did that Alex looked worried and I saw J'onn walk into the room.
"You're not going anywhere," J'onn commanded.
"Why?" I asked. I would listen to him but I needed to know why. I felt perfectly fine.
"You're pregnant. We need to check you're vitals. You're probably going to go into labor in the next couple of days," J'onn answered. My eyes widened a bit at the last words. Does Mon-el even know who the baby is? Alex might have told him though.
"But I can't stay here the whole time," I complained. "What about work? Or supergirl?"
"You're taking maternity leave at work. And everyone thinks you've been in a coma as Supergirl. We plan to let them continue thinking that for a little," J'onn answered. Alex nodded her head and Mon-el said, "It's better that way." He grabbed my hand and squeezed it with his. I almost wanted to let him tell me what to do but I had another question.
"But I can't stay cooped up in here."
"We won't make you," Alex said reminding me that she was in here.
"We need to check your, and the baby's vitals first then you can go," J'onn added.
"Ok. Fine," I agreed. I want whatever's best for the baby.
After a couple of minutes of me just laying on the bed, J'onn finally let me go. The first thing I noticed was that it felt weird to walk with my belly so huge. They wouldn't let me walk or fly back to my loft so Mon-el offered to drive me home. I immediately let him drive me because I wanted to get a reason to be with him alone.
In the car, Mon-el seemed to not want to leave my side. I was perfectly fine with that but I wanted to know what changed his mind. Mon-el made sure to open the door for me, I said thank you then we started driving. Occasionally he would look over at me.
"I thought you didn't want to be with me anymore," I almost whispered. I turned his head to me. He differently heard what I said but he still asked, "What?" not seeming to believe it. I guess I was stuck in what had happened in my coma.
"W-well... Aren't you dating someone? I thought I killed you. Why do you still like me?" Mon-el stopped the car for some reason on the side of the road. Then he leaned over to me.
"The only person I'm dating is you. I was sent into another time. I don't like you. I love you. I know that even more now with seeing you like this," He said pointing his hands and my belly. I seemed to be overthinking.
"You do? Are you sure this doesn't make you not like me? Don't you like Imra?" I don't know how I know of Imra maybe I heard someone say her name in my coma. Mon-el shook his head.
"Imra and me and like siblings. I want to be there for you and the baby. The baby's mine too after all. You're mine a little too. I'm not going to leave your side again." I smiled.
"Ok," I said while looking at my belly. Mon-el's put his fingers under my chin and lifted my head up then kissed me.
"I love you," He said. He made butterfly's flutter in my stomach and my cheeks get pink.
"I love you more," I said. I couldn't mean it more.
When we finally got home Mon-el wouldn't let me get out of the car without him opening the door and basically becoming my servant, which was very kind and cute and I appreciated it.
"Mon-el. I'm fine," I tried to protest when he was leading me into my loft- wait no this isn't my loft. "Wait where are we?" I asked.
"Our," he emphasized our, "new home. We're going to have a baby. Now way can it live in that small place. Very good place but still small," Mon-el cupped my hands into his hands and started to kneel. "I made sure to get all of your things to this new house." My heart was racing like crazy. The house was beautiful. It was two stories light sky blue wall with a two-car garage. He lifted his right hand off of the top of mine and reached into his pocket. I felt like I was going to lose air from all of this. I could have seen what he was taking out with my x-ray vision but I decided not to. Instead, I saw the outline of his hand gripping onto something in his pocket.
"Kara. Kara Zor-el... Kate Danvers, and Supergirl," He whispered the last word so no one would hear, "Will you marry me?" He took out a velvet box and opened it to reveal a ring with a diamond on top. The diamond shines perfectly in the light. It was lined with tiny diamonds on the edge. For a second I couldn't say anything my hands thought moved to my face and covered my mouth and a happy year fell down my face.
"Yes," I finally said. "Yes, yes, yes," I continued still tearing up. Mon-el grinned and stood up then hugged me, then fixed his hug to be gentler. After our hug Mon-el to the ring out of the box and slid it onto my left hand. It fit perfectly. I twirled it around on my finger a little to look at it. It was perfect. I was so happy that I was in tears.
"You're crying," Mon-el pointed out not sure whether it was a good thing or not. Mon-el wiped a couple of tears off my cheek with his finger and I laughed softly.
"I'm sorry. I'm just really happy and super emotional," I gestured to my oversized belly, "You're the best." I wasn't able to stop and my voice was a little shaky.
"Aww," Mon-el said, "That's fine. Cry all you like," Mon-el wiped another tear away, "We better get you inside. You know you're going to have this beautiful baby any day or hour right?" He started leading me to our new house, "Have you even thought of any names yet? Or even know the gender?" I hadn't. I had figured that I would have had time to think of names. I shook my head in response. Mon-el was being so helpful. He grabbed two keys from his left pocket and handed one to me, "Here," he said and used the other to unlock the house. I saw pictures of Mon-el and me as soon as we walked in. There was also a couple of pictures of me and Alex and my family when we were younger. There was a hallway that led to the kitchen and living room and steps to the right of the entrance that led to the bedrooms.
"Do you want to see the nursery?" Mon-el asked. My eyes lit up.
"Yeah!" I excitedly said. Mon-el laughed at my joy and brought me up stairs. He pointed out our room, which was the first room, then he quickly pointed out a bathroom then we walked over to the last two rooms. One was filled with a bed and a decorated wall, with a blue theme. The other room, on the left, had a light blue crib, with a white nightstand next to it. There was a white dresser across from the crib. To the left of the crib was a white armchair that rocked. There was a bin that held some toys and one whole wall was a baby blue then the rest of the walls were white. I smiled at the sight then Hughes Mon-el.
"Thank you," I said about to tear up again. He grinned and hugged me back.
"You're welcome. I want to be there for you and the baby. I even got a good job," Mon-el finished laughing at the inside joke. I could never get him to get a good job.
"Anything else?" I asked.
"Well I could show you our room," Mon-el said and led me to the master bedroom. It was beautiful. There was a king sized bed that had flowers on it. Next to the bed a brown wood-like nightstand on the right of the bed and the whole floor had a rug. There was a painted picture with a man and lady sitting at a beach above the dresser.
"It's beautiful," I said. I walked into the room and sat down on the bed, with my hand on my belly. I constantly held onto my belly. It felt natural like I was protecting my baby.
"I know. I knew you'd like it," Mon-el sat down next to me.
"Do you want to think of names?" I asked him. I wanted to know what the baby's gender was but it's not like I could go to a doctor they'd find something off about me then they'd start figuring out that I'm Supergirl. He grinned. His hand went onto my right hand then he gripped it and held onto my hand. I smiled in return.
"Sure. I'm sure you'd be much better at thinking of names though," Mon-el kindly said.
"I don't know really... Grace is pretty I guess," I answered. I did like that name.
"It's beautiful. We could name her that... What if it's a guy though?"
"You choose," I offered.
"James is a nice name."
"Yeah, it is," I agreed, "Thank you."
"You're welcome. You don't have to keep saying thank you, you know." I weakly smiled.
"Yeah, I know. I can't though. I'm really thankful. One moment you were gone then you were back."
"Yes, I did leave. Imra thought I liked her but really she's been more like a sister. You," He pointed to me, "though are more like my wife. I'd like you to be my wife."
I lifted the hand with the ring on it and said, "I think I will be." We both exchanged smiles and started unpacking the rest of the house's things.
Ok I know how much lovey dovey stuff I just wrote. But... I totally ship them so vote please thanks. - Anna

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