Chapter Seven- Team Flash

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"Where's Barry?" I asked. I wanted to check on him to make sure he was ok. He's one of my best friends anyways, superfriends.

"He's in the med bay," Caitlin answered.

"Mind if I check up on him?" I asked them. Caitlin shrugged.

"Nope," Cisco answered.

"Ok," I said then walked to the med bay. If I didn't have x-ray vision I would have had to ask where it was. I saw Barry sitting up on a medical bed.

"Hi Barry," I said as I entered. He immediately smiled.

"Kara! Hi!" Barry jumped in excitement. I don't know if he got over the fact that I'm not human yet. I smiled.

"How are you?"

"Well I got hurt a little," Barry said looking at his right arm, "But I'll heal quickly."

"Alright. That's good. Oh... Guess what. I have some news," I said.

"What?" Barry asked then examined me from head to toe to see if anything was different.

"I'm pregnant." His eyes lit up.

"Really? That's great." I smiled.

"Yeah, it is. How's it going with Iris?" I asked changing the subject. Barry smiled in joy.

"I proposed to her," Barry answered.

"Oh! That's amazing. I'm so happy for you guys."

"We're gonna have the wedding soon."

"I'm invited right?" I teased knowing I would be.

"Of course. We better get working though." Barry looked at me again, "Do you have your suit though?" I smiled.

"Yeah, I do. One of my new friends made me a cool suit."

"Awesome," Barry walked to the door, "C'mon." I followed Barry back to the cortex.

"So what's the new villain?" I asked. Cisco clicked a button that made images pop up on the main computers.

"So there's some Dominators left and we figured that with you could finish them off, " Cisco said.

"Hmm, yeah that makes sense," I responded. I remembered when we helped fight them. They were brutal but we defeated them. There must be somehow were hiding away and just came out of hiding now. "So where to first?" A map of the city came up on another computer. It had red dots moving around in it.

"They're by the CCPD," Caitlin said.

"Who's coming?" I asked. Caitlin turned into Killer Frost.

"Me," Frost said then Cisco and Barry.

"Alright. Let's go," I said and pulled off my glasses, and watched my suit appear on me. I still get amazed when I see it come on. Cisco looked amazed, probably at the tech. I think Frost thought it was cool but she probably didn't want me to know.

"Yup," Cisco said then opened a breach.

We stepped out of the breach and immediately got to fighting. I flew into the sky to see what the scene looked like then saw one coming at Flash from behind and hit it with my laser vision.

"Thanks," Barry said as he finished it. I nodded my head and went to fight another. I punched a dominator in the stomach with a lot of strength and it fell to the ground but got back up quickly. I noticed Killer Frost seemed to be doing good with the one she was fighting but then it made a gash in her leg and she kneeled down and switched back to Caitlin for a second but Killer Frost was tough. An icicle formed in her right hand and she stabbed him, close to his heart. I turned back to the dominator I was fighting and froze it with freeze breath then used my laser vision on it. I smiled then moved to another. With this one, I punched it until it was knocked out though this one was stronger than the other two. Let's go. Cisco seemed to be having fun opening breaches and ending up behind the dominator then punching it repeatedly. I lifted myself into the air. All of the dominators were dead or passed out.

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