Chapter Four- Fears

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The video above is the real Psi fight and it's epic. Go watch it.
I viewed the scene from the sky before I got to the ground. A wrecking ball smashed into a car then Psi came past it holding two bags with money right as the car flew to the right of her. The car flew to a pole with enough force to make it fall. I noticed that a 12-year-old girl and her mom were under its path to fall. The mom seemed to be trying to get the girl to move. I flew into the scene and swept them up and flew them a couple of feet away as the pole fell to the ground. In my peripheral vision, I saw Psi start to walk away. She looked at a man then he suddenly fell to his knees and looked horrified.
"Hey!" I yelled and caught up to her. She turned right as I clicked on Winn's gadget's and it glowed red. I felt a wave of power hit me making me lose balance but I caught my balance quickly. The device flickered for a moment then came back on. An image popped into my head right before. It was me as a 13-year-old again sitting in my pod as I felt the fear of being trapped in it alone and not knowing where I was. I shook my head, trying to get the image out of my mind but it didn't seem to go so instead I tried focusing on what was around me. Psi was walking closer. I tried to use Winn's gadget again but nothing happened except Psi sent a blast at me that sent me into a building. I landed on the steps into the building. Memory's- no fears- were piling in my head. I sat up against the wall with my hands on the side of my head. I saw myself again, like a dream no, nightmare- in the pod stuck in it and I felt more fear than I ever have. Then I saw Mon-el getting sent into space again but instead, I saw his pod blow up. Somehow I heard someone walking to me.
"Supergirl. It's not real, " A familiar voice said. How'd she known what I was experiencing? Then I realized I was talking out loud.
"I-i killed him. I'm trapped. I trapped him, " I cried.
"No you didn't, " Alex I realized replied. I shook my head, disagreeing with her. I saw Mon-el's pod exploding and the pieces falling back down into space. Then I saw myself learning that the baby I was carrying died and even a version where Mon-el killed it.
"It died. I killed Mon-el, " I sobbed.
"Do you see that happening in the real world? You can't tell future but you can make your future, " Alex said. As she said that I could feel my fear of being stuck in the pod forever and not getting to see my mother fading away. But the fear of me killing Mon-el became stronger. I grabbed my hair in my right hand. I felt Alex grab my chin and lift it.
"Kara, look at me, " She told me. I opened my eyes, but still saw the fears, and looked at Alex.
"Look around. Everyone has fears. Except the strongest uses their fears as strengths, they get over the fear. You have to be confident." I tried listening to her. I wouldn't have to go back into a pod ever again, and as for now, nothing could hurt the baby. I curled my hand into a fist and stopped crying. Alex smiled and I pushed my fist into the ground and launched myself into the sky. I saw Psi making more people see their fears. She had to be stopped. I flew in from of her. She noticed me almost right away.
"Oh. You're back, " She said then tried to make me see my fears again. It pushed me back but I took two steps forward. I grinned. She can't defeat me. She tried again, stronger this time but I was stronger too. "What makes the girl of steel fear, I wonder, " Psi said as I walked forward with a fierce face on.
"Fears. Are a lie, " I said.
"No one is safe from it. Fear is what makes me stronger than you." I was standing strong with a serious face now in front of her. I was showing no signs of fear. "Why aren't you scared?" Psi asked.
"Mind over matter, " I said then smashed my forehead into hers making her knock out and fall backward. Shortly after some DEO agents came to put her in one of their cells.
"You did it, " Alex said to me in the DEO. I nodded, " Yes, I did. I fought it, " I replied. I walked out to the balcony in the DEO and thought. I could do this. Mon-el was safe, I'd done the right thing. There must have been a mixture of worry and decision on my face. 

I flew into the sky then went above the clouds and watched the city leave my view. it was peaceful up here, I could clear my thoughts. I flew around the city then went back to my apartment. When I got back I found a box outside of my apartment, of course, I was Kara again so no one could find out who else I was. The box didn't say who it was from or how it go to my apartment. It did have a small note on it below the item name. It read, "Congrats." I read the box name and it said, "Crib." I still don't know who it's from but I guess I'd have to prepare for the baby. An hour later I had it set up in my bedroom. I smiled. Now I just wait...  how hard could that be. I wanted something to do but it was getting late so I couldn't go to Catco. I decided to watch tv. 

"The Psi fight is over... except now we have received word of a new villain," The News lady said. A picture of a similar symbol to the one I wore when I'm supergirl was engraved on a roof building with fire. Well, I guess there won't be much boredom for Supergirl. 

Author Notes- Yes I know I took a long time writing this chapter, sorry. I plan to do a chapter in Mon-el's pov after he landed in the future. Also, I'm really excited. I just got a new computer for school and it's SOO COOL!! I'm writing on my computer right now and it's so much more fun than on my phone. Like typing is so awesome. And Wattpad isn't blocked. Neither is Gmail, Pinterest, Youtube, and Amazon music, which are basically all I need. The computer is also touch screen with a pen thing. Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter. Vote, maybe comment to please. Thanks. Bye. I'm gonna start writing the next chapter.

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