Chapter 14- Wedding preperations

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I didn't actually realize how much you had to put into marriages until this. Of course, I'd been to marriages and totally wowed at the fact that it looked so perfect, like the one I sang at until the fight- but there really was a lot to do. I and Mon-el first had to decide things like, who, when, where. Then after we'd picked a place and time, we decided somewhere pretty outside near a river that was near us. We chose for it to be around 2 then we sent out invitations. Of course, we know lots of people so we settled on, Barry, Caitlin, Cisco, My mom, sister, Winn, Lena, J'onn, Brainy, Nia, James, who even decided to visit for a bit for the wedding, and others. It didn't take us too long to figure out when it should be. Usually, the quicker you do things the less chance a villain will end up attacking and we didn't want to get interrupted. Superheroes should get one day off, shouldn't they? Like I don't know... on their wedding day per se?
"Kara, you ready to pick out a dress?" Alex asked stealing me from my thoughts. We were walking in town heading to a dress shop.
"Oh! Yeah totally!" I answered. Alex gave me a suspicious look.
"You're nervous aren't you?" I blushed a little and looked away.
"Noo... Totally not," I looked back at Alex, "Ok, fine a ton."
"About buying a dress or the wedding?" Alex clarified.
"Well, Mon-el loves you."
"Yeah, I know that," I grinned at the thought of Mon-el, "But the actual wedding part is so scary..."
"Well, It's gonna happen sooner or later. Might as well enjoy it."
"True," We were a couple feet away from the shop, "Ok let's go find some dresses." Alex grinned as we walked into the shop. We had set up a time for me, Alex, and the other bridesmaids to meet up here and I and Alex decided to walk there together.
"Hey there's our favorite," She paused, she must have been about to say Super but then realized Lena is here-who doesn't know I'm supergirl, "Reporter."
I grinned and answered, "Yup. Have you guys been here for a while? Sorry if we took long."
Alex, Nia, Lena, and Caitlin I'd chosen to be my bridesmaids. Mon-el had chosen Winn, Brainy, James, and Barry as his groomsmen. Lena chuckled at what I said.
"You can take as long as you want. You're the bride," Lena said.
"Yeah," Caitlin agreed.
"And we've only been here like three minutes now," Nia added glancing at her watch quickly to check.
"Ok. Well let's pic the dresses then," I said.
"Yes. Let's get you lookin at some dresses," A worker said as she walked towards us. The worker momentarily turned to the bridesmaids and added, "There are some reg dresses over there for bridesmaids." She pointed to the left of the room. There were dresses hung against the walls and a rack in the middle on the left while on the right there was a spot with a big mirror and a chair near the mirror. The middle was a sort of hallway that led to another room. There looked to be two doors, one on the right and left, probably changing rooms. Directly behind then was a space that now that I noticed it was stored with lots of dresses.
"I want you to stay in here and I'll go find some dresses. I just need you to tell me if you have any preferences," The worker said. My only preference as of right now was to leave here with a dress. I shook my head.
"No, not really. Just nothing with too much detail," I replied.
"Alrighty, I'll be back in a sec. Lemme go grab ya a couple to choose from." When she left Alex grinned at me.
"What?" I asked.
"You're gonna get married," She answered still grinning.
"Yes, I am." Alex saw the other girls looking at dresses.
"I better get looking before they choose something terrible," She said then found some stuff. She would likely wear a suit rather than a dress so really she didn't need to be here but of course, she couldn't miss today, she's a bridesmaid, and she wouldn't miss it anyway. Suddenly, breaking me from my thoughts, someone rested their hands on my shoulders while talking. I realized it was the worker. I looked to my right and saw that she put four totally different dresses on a table.
"Ok, this is going to be the easy part. These are so different from each other that you'll probably like one a ton more than the rest," The worker started to say as she took her hands off my shoulders and she moved to the dress farthest from me. It was a big dress with multiple layers of fabric that reminded me of fairy tale princesses dresses a bit(of course not as layered as those would be). It was beautiful, it had white flowers on the bottom and a small amount of the pedals breaking off and becoming butterflies, on the front of the dress, that reached almost the middle of the dress. The top half was sort of made differently, it being full of design instead of being smooth like most of the bottom half. This one was too big, just too much. The worker put the dress down when she saw my face, I guess my face showed that I didn't like this one too much.
"Yeah no, not this one," I said.
"Kk. We got lots more," She answered. I wondered how long I'd be there though when I saw the second dress I forgot about my thought. This one had fewer layers and had an arm sleeve, and was covered in white roses, this one had more flowers. The bottom rim was covered in roses, most connected to each other, and occasionally they would go up to the middle of the dress. Then the top and sleeves had more flowers. There looked to be three layers, the first the one with the flowers, the part of it beside the flowers was a see-through fabric. Probably why there was an obvious layer behind it. The layer behind it though was a pastel, not too bright, pink.
"Ay girls!" The worker suddenly announced stopping my bridesmaids' small talk and dress finding, "I think we may have found our first dress candidate." I laughed.
"Yeah, I like this one."
"This one could be it but course you gotta try it on to make sure," The worker handed me the dress and I took it by the hanger holding the dress up.
"Yeah! Go try it on Kara," Alex said while grinning.
"Yeah let's see you in this dress," Nia agreed.
I grinned.
"Alright. I'm going," I threw my free hand up in fake defeat, I was going to try it on anyways, and walked to the changing room. As I got closer I saw that the signs I hadn't been able to read said changing room, conforming it was a changing room. When I looked at the size I was a bit surprised that it was the right size but then I remembered we set up a time and we had to include information so it would be easier for them and I'd said my size. Anyway, I tried it on and thanks to it being the right size it fitted pretty well. I didn't know for sure if I liked it until I looked in the mirror though. It fit just right but when I looked in the mirror it looked like it fit perfectly. It was perfect. I grinned. I would be marrying Mon-el. Who would have thought. After a minute I came out and as soon as they saw me they all grinned, squealed, or covered their mouths with their hands.
"You look amazing!" Alex was the first to speak.
"Yeah you really do look stunning in that dress, I think it could be the one," The worker said.
"You're definitely rocking that dress," Caitlin added.
"Thanks," I replied getting a nod from her back.
"I think you're gonna leave Mon-el speechless," Nia commented.
"No. He'll probably faint," Lena added. I rolled my eyes then looked at the worker.
"I definitely like this one," I said.
"But...," She suspected. How did she know.
"Well, I guess the sleeves bother me a bit, plus it's going to be warm on my wedding day." The worker's hand went to her face and she made a thinking face before speaking again.
"Ah! Yes. We can do that. Now you better quickly change out and help your bridesmaids. They seem to not know what to decide on."
"Yeah, I'll do that," I turned to my bridesmaids, "You four be calm till I get back."
"Never!" Alex said as I walked back to the changing room making me wonder slightly if she'd drunk anything. When I got back from changing out of the dress the girls had laid some dress down on the table. They were all simple and since I'd chosen a pink one I guess it influenced them and there's where white-pink-themed dresses but much simpler than mine. Two of them were the same color but different top.
"How about you find ones that are the same pink but slightly different," I suggested from seeing those two.
"Exactly what I was thinking," Alex said which we all knew wasn't true since she wasn't really picking. A couple minutes-or more than a couple I lost track- we got dresses and one more thing was done. One more thing making the wedding closer.
A/N- Yay! I finished one thing. Ugh. Gotta go do Jane Eyre reading for school it's due tomorrow morning and I have like three more chapters (plus questions) to do.... Hope y'all like the chapter. I almost forgot how much I like describing stuff... I'm writing plays in creative writing. Adiós- Anna

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