Chapter 13- Finally due

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Mon-el held onto my hand as he drove. I had started to have contractions, just they weren't very close yet. My mind was flooded with thoughts of what might happen after. Like how will we raise her? What will her name be? Who will she look like? She should-would- have Mon-el's eyes and hair, I always found that he had beautiful eyes and his hair matched his eyes perfectly. Mon-el probably would want our baby to have my eyes though. He couldn't stop looking at my eyes when we first started dating until I made him practice with his powers that is.

"What are you thinking?" Mon-el asked snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked at Mon-el and smiled.

"Just thinking about who our baby girl will look more like, you or me."

"I bet she'll look like you," He said right away. I blushed a little.

"No... Probably not." I felt another contraction and must have tensed because Mon-el squeezed my hand while looking at me from the side of his view to keep driving. The drive felt like forever but I was glad Mon-el was there. Most of the time I still felt fine but I could feel that it hurt more and more.

"Ok," Mon-el said and parked the car, "We're here." He parked us in the front D.E.O parking lot and I could see everyone moving around inside the D. E.O. Mon-el kindly opened the door for me and held out a hand.

"Thank you," I said and let him help me out of the car. He smiled and gave me a quick hug then led me into D.E.O. I saw Alex walk up to the entrance and wait for us. I half wished I could have been allowed to do more things but I guess I wouldn't really be able to but I am supergirl after all. Though right now, I'm Kara Danvers the reporter... Just without my glasses.

"Kara, Mon-el. This way," Alex said when we reached her.

A couple hours later while laying on a hospital-type bed with Mon-el to my right and Alex on my left the doctor handed me my baby, who we learned is a girl. I grinned as soon as I saw her then grinned even wider if possible when she entered my arms. A happy tear even left my eye. I kissed my baby girl's forehead who had started crying from not being near me but now she was fine from me holding her.
"What's her name?" The doctor asked.
"Uh-um.... Grace," I said as I looked into Grace's eyes with a smile.
"She looks so much like you," Mon-el pointed out. She did. She had my eyes and my face structure. But with the small amount of eyebrow she had, they looked brown, so she'd probably have Mon-el's hair which made me smile. She looked perfect.
"She's perfect," I said then Mon-el kissed me.
"Hi Gracie," He said to her in a cute voice causing her to make a happy squeal.
"I'm an aunt now!" Alex said with a grin causing us to grin back. This had to be the best day of my life. My life would also be changed now... I had a kid to take care of, and with Mon-el. But first I'd need to get married to him.
A/N- yea sorry VERY short chapter I'm gonna end the fanfic soon kinda lost interest in writing it.... *cough cough* yeah I know how it feels when authors don't update so thought I'd try to finish this chapter and I'll work on another chapter. I imagine 1-3 more chapters left. Anyway thanks for all the reads it's really cool to see so many people add this fanfic to their lists. Kk I'll go write..... Maybe I should do hw tho....

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