Chapter Two- Fight

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Kara POV
I shot up off of my couch when I heard my phone ring. I picked it up and saw that it was Cat Grant. I changed into something new as quickly as I could, put on makeup, then remembered to put my glasses on.
"Hello, " I said slightly nervous. I've fought tons of villains yet Cat seems to be scarier.
"Where have you been?" She immediately asked. I looked at the clock to see what time it was. It was 11 am already. I hadn't thought I was that tired.
"Sleeping, " I said truthfully, " I'm so sorry I'll be at work in a couple minutes." Cat sighed.
"Alright. Just this once. Be here in ten minutes, " She commanded.
"Ok. I will." I hung up my phone then flew to Catco. I stopped to get her coffee just in case she wanted it and some food for me. As I was flying Alex called me.
"Yes?" I asked speaking a little louder so she could hear me over all of the wind.
"You're flying to work? Oh well, there's another bad guy on the loose. We need you to go fight him. We have a location for where he is."
"Ok. I'll get to it after I deal with Cat, " I replied then hung up and landed on a side street where no one would see me fly. I walked into Catco and gave Cat her coffee then did some work. Finally, after three hours (she wouldn't let me go) I got out of work so I could fight the villain. I flew to the DEO and they told me where to go.
"Ok, I'm on it, " I said then ripped off my shirt and became Supergirl then flew out of the DEO. The location sent me to an empty warehouse. I scanned the warehouse with my x-ray vision but found that there was some lead, which I couldn't see through. I walked forward trying to find whoever was there. They jumped at me from behind. I fell forward. I felt weaker. I looked at my hand and saw green lines forming on it. This guy had kryptonite. I tried to fight it as I turned around and used my heat vision to hit him. He was wearing a suit made out of kryptonite and he was the color red with scales on the top of his head. How he got that much kryptonite I didn't know but I aimed at where there was the most kryptonite and blasted him with as much strength I had left. He blew up in front of me right before I fell further to the ground then passed out. I dreamed of being in a meadow with Mon-el and kissing him.
*Back at the DEO*
Alex's POV
Where is she? Kara should be back by now. We had heard some fighting in the coms but now it was silent beside someone's steady breathing. I started to get worried.
"We have to go out there. She might be hurt, " I said as I grabbed my gun.
"Ok we're coming, " J'onn said. We raced to a car and drove to the location as quickly as we could. When we arrived we didn't see anything at first until we noticed some things thrown around that should have been a part of the building and pieces of a body scrambled and Kara passed out on the ground.
"Is she ok?" I asked while rushing to Kara as soon as I saw her. She had green lines all over her. "Shoot. He used kryptonite on her." She was having trouble breathing. We rushed to get her back to the DEO so we could put her under a light like a sun's light so she could get better. We ran some tests on her to make sure she was stable and healthy. If she'd been there any longer she might have started bleeding from being near kryptonite. I started to worry that she wouldn't wake up but I kept it to myself I knew J'onn would do his best. We noticed something different about Kara's blood when we tested it. It came up positive. My eyes went to Kara.
"W-what do you mean?" I asked after J'onn told me.
"She's pregnant, " He confirmed. That would explain why she threw up after (she had told me that she threw up after I left) and that she slept way too long today.
"Wow, that's great... I guess." I didn't really know how to take the information.
"We'll have to tell her when she wakes up, " I'm replying. I nodded and we waited for her to wake up. It took her till the next day to wake up. She was still a little week though, the color hadn't fully returned to her skin. She groaned as she woke up and must have felt in pain or the lights were bright.
"Kara, " I said getting her attention. "Are you ok? You took in a lot of Kryptonite, " I looked at J'onn then back to Kara, she looked like she was trying to figure out what was happening, "And we have some... News to tell you."
"Yeah, I'm alright I guess. I feel kind of sick though, " Kara replied. She moved her legs off of the bed and got off. "What news?"
"Well, we were testing your blood and..., " I paused. She looked at me wondering what I was going to say. "And well...-"
"You're pregnant, " J'onn said for me. Kara's eyes widened.
"What?" She asked in shock.
"Yeah... That would explain why you threw up or went to bed so early, " I answered. Kara was slowly realizing that it was true.
"Ok... Well... With who's baby?" Kara asked them must have realized something, " Ohhh... Probably Mon-el's." That would make sense. She only loved him as far as I knew anyway and I hadn't seen her see any other guys. She looked better now.
"You should probably get rest though, " I said.
"When does this girl get rest, " She said and pointed at herself with both her hands as Kara said "Girl." I had a feeling she'd still listen. She smiled. At least she was happy. I couldn't stop worrying about her. First, she has to make her only love leave then she gets badly hurt and lastly we find out that she's pregnant plus the dad is someone who isn't here and the baby is no doubt going to remind her of him and probably make her cry at first.
"Kara, " I said stopping her. She turned around, " Stay safe ok? And healthy I guess."
"Alright, I will don't worry. I... I wouldn't want to hurt any baby anyway. See you." She turned around and flew out of the DEO.
Author's Notes-
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