Chapter 12- Soon to be married

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I rolled over to my right side in the bed and realized that I was sleeping next to someone. My dreams had been filled with my baby so it took me a couple of seconds to process what had just happened barely 24 hours ago. I stretched out my arms and yawned while hitting someone in the face. My eyes shot open so I could apologize.
"Oh! I'm so sorry," I said in a pregnant sleepy state. I blushed a little when I saw who I was sleeping next to. Mon-el was sitting up without a shirt on and had a book in his hands. He giggled and helped me up then kissed my forehead while hugging me from the side, forcing me to be against his chest, not that I would resist.

"Why're you sorry? You've never done a thing wrong," He said with a grin on.

"Uh... What are you reading?"

"A cooking book. I'm gonna have to know how to make food for you and the baby after all." Aww, how sweet of him. But I had just figured I'd be making food for the baby. At further inspection of the book I noticed, I've read that book. I realized I'd read a lot of baby books.

"I've read that one," I said.  He grinned.

"Of course you have," He paused, "Wait do you know the baby's gender yet?"

"Um... Do I?" I asked myself and looked away trying to remember no memory that was really there, "I don't think so." Why hadn't I asked yet? What was wrong with me? I need to know.

"Good." I looked at him with suspicion. What had he done?

"What did you do?"

"Oh... only a gender reveal party," He answered with a smirk.

"Really?" My eyes lit up with excitement, "Wait who planned it? Do you know the gender?"

"Don't worry. J'onn and Alex said that'd plan it. They refused to tell me the gender too." Haha. That's Alex alright.

"Oh. Ok. When will it be?"

"Tomorrow I think. Unless they wanted to do it today." I remembered that I should be saving the world. How was the world surviving without me?

"What am I supposed to do? I'm not allowed to keep the world alive and I can't go to my job."

"Well we could always watch a movie," Mon-el suggested.

"Sure." Mon-el but on The Wizard of Oz which made me smile that he didn't even have to ask that I'd want that movie. Once the movie finished me and Mon-el- well Mon-el- received a call from Alex.

"Yes?" I answered wanting to annoy her a little with me knowing. I'm sure she wanted to keep it a secret from me. I heard a disappointed sigh than a laugh.

"Of course he told you. He can't keep anything from you, can he?" I laughed.

"Nope," I answered while looking at Mon-el while grinning.

"What did you need?" Mon-el asked Alex.

"Only to tell you that the party is ready but I guess there's no surprise anymore- besides the baby gender of course. You two better come soon. Or else we'll eat cake without you. Cya later," Alex ended the call.

"I guess we better get ready," Mon-el said already out of bed, "Want help up?"

"Uh," I moved my legs off of the bed, "I think I'm good." I got up and realized I was moving even slower than a normal human and hated it. I was used to the easiness the sun gave me. I got changed into a v-neck striped shirt with three buttons at the top that was a size too big but fit fine with my big belly and black leggings. Mon-el walked me to his car, even though I didn't want to accept his help, and we drove off to the location Alex had sent him. Alex told him to cover my eyes when we walk out of the car.

"We're here," Mon-el mouthed as he typed it to Alex. He got out of his side then rushed quicker to my side when he saw that I was going to get out by myself but he wanted to help me out of the car so he made sure to get there before I could open the door. From the amount of time I had to look outside, it looked like we would have to walk down a path to get where they were but it seemed like it was in some type of meadow place with beautiful flowers.

"Uh-uh," Mon-el said and waved his pointed finger then covered my eyes with his hands when he'd gotten me out of the car, "No peeking." I smiled and let him lead me. We walked through a grassy path, turning once to the left once then I heard whispering from the distance, without using my enhanced hearing, and I knew we were here.  Mon-el uncovered my eyes and a lot of light blinded my sight for a second then I saw everyone who was there. Alex and J'onn of course were there, and Winn and James, and Brainy and Nia, and my adoptive mom. There was a banner hung up across two trees that said, 'boy or girl?' and there was a table in front of it that had a lot of cupcakes, it looked about the number of people that were here, and a pink and blue balloon hung on the table.

"Aww guyyss, you didn't have to. It's not really anything important, I'd just planned on learning after the baby had been born," I said but Alex was grinning and my mom walked up to me to hug me. After I said hi to everyone Alex started talking.

"Ok, everyone! One of these cupcakes has a color in it. If it's pink then it's a girl and blue, boy. But before we see what it is, what do you guys think it is... starting with Kara!" Alex pointed to me and smirked knowing that she put me on the spot.

"Oh, I've just been thinking it would be a girl I guess." Alex gestured to Mon-el.

"Boy would be cool," By the time the last person went, Alex, there were slightly more boy guesses than girl.

"Well let's see," Alex said then we all got a cupcake. We bit into it one at a time starting at Alex and ending a J'onn because he was across from her. When I bit into mine I didn't see any color. Mon-el's didn't have a color either and he was all the way down his throat in a minute.

"Oh! Mine has a color!" Winn said in excitement but hid the cupcake from us.

"What color?" Mon-el asked. Winn grinned when he took a peek at the color then turned the cupcake so we could all see it. It was a light pink. I'm having a girl. I smiled.

"A girl!" Alex squealed.

"Oh!" Mon-el said and hugged me, "We're having a girl."

"I'm so glad for you," J'onn said. I received similar things from everyone else but Mon-el started to take me back. Half of the people had gone so it was just me and Mon-el, Alex, Winn, and my mom. Suddenly, I felt my underwear get wet and I froze with my eyes widening.

"Mon-el," I said and stared him in the face.

"What?" He asked concerned, "Uh-oh. It's happening isn't it." I nodded my head. "Get in the car."  Alex was running up to me.

"What happened?" She asked. I looked down.

"I-i think I'm going to be going into labor soon," I said. Alex immediately understood.

"Ok. Mon-el. Bring her to the Deo, we can't let any random doctor find out who she is."

Mon-el nodded his head, "Got it," he said and got in the car and gestured for me to get in.

"I'll get there soon. I'll alert the DEO and J'onn though," Alex said then rushed to her car. I swung the passenger seat door open and got into the car. Mon-el started driving a second later.
Ayy people, hope you liked the chapter, I did. It certainly got more interesting at the end. Dont forget to vote oh and I have a h20 and the originals crossover idea now :) gotta finish this first tho.

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