Chapter 15- The Wedding

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A/N- Ok hi i'm back after a while of not writing but if you haven't seen the last episode of Supergirl then don't read this chapter unless you're fine with spoilers.
I was sitting in a chair finishing up on my makeup, in a room inside the church the wedding would be at(it was going to rain so we had to move the wedding somewhere inside), less than an hour before the wedding would start. My dress was hung up to the left of my. Mon-el was probably done getting ready by now or helping one of the guys. I was about to put my glasses back on when I got a call. The caller ID wasn't one in my contacts but I still answered.
"Hello?" I asked wondering who was on the other side of the line.
"Hello Kara." My breath paused for a moment, it was Ms. Grant.
"Ms. Grant? Did you need something?" I could hear ocean noises in the background of her audio. I hadn't talked to her in a while.
"Well, to start of I wanted to say congrats on your marriage-,"
"I haven't gotten married just yet," I interrupted. Mon-El was everything I could have ever wanted I was so scared and excited for today.
"Let me finish. Second, remember when I said I was hiring you to be my editor in chief at catco? Right so why haven't you signed your contract?"
"Oh right... well, I'm just doing a lot at the moment." I looked at my glasses that were in my left hand. Lately people, the country, seemed to be finding solutions to problems and it didn't seem like they'd need a Supergirl. Of course I was mostly glad for that what with me going to get married but I've missed getting to help everyone.
"I'm sure that would be the hardest of the problems you've had to multitask with," Cat said interrupting me from my thoughts.
"Uh, What- I'm sorry I don't understand."
"Oh, you're not fooling me. Eventually you'll have to choose- Hide behind your geeky glasses or take them off for the last time and show your whole real self to the world."
I remember when she had accused me of being Supergirl but why did it feel different now? Almost as if she were trying to teach me something.
"Oh those spectacles never fooled me. You might as well add bushy eyebrows and a mustache."
"You knew?"
"Yes and I want you to work for me but right now, this is just boring. You say you're stuck?"
"Yeah, because as you know, I guess, I have like two sides."
"Yes, and I recall you, well Supergirl, said-in "Supergirl's" speech- that everyone should become empowered and that they should take care of themselves and I'm wondering why that message doesn't imply to you."
"You have a good point," I replied.
"Oh Kira, I always have a point. You can either stay separated as two parts or you can come together to make an even greater whole."
I sighed," Yeah, you're right. I just don't know if I'm ready for that yet."
"Kara. If you weren't ready, I wouldn't have called you." I looked at the time I'd have to speed up my getting ready because of the call.
"Well-," I was at a loss of what to say but thankfully Ms. Grant cut me off to talk.
"I hope you take into consideration of what I said."
"I will."
"Good. Now go get married. I'll be hoping to see you at Catco. I'll be back in two weeks." She hung up the call and I was left looking at my glasses, stunned with a realization that I no longer felt a need to put on. Cat was right. Why can't I just be Kara Zor-el. Living with the last name Danvers, but openly admit I'm from Krypton and have superpowers. Wouldn't it be so much easier with Grace and Mon-el in my lives now if I could just be me? Constantly having two identities would destroy my life. If I'm just one whole confident Kara Zor-el then everything would be easier. I could raise my baby and be married to Mon-el without having to switch back and forth. My watch interrupted my thoughts. It buzzed signaling that there was ten more minutes. Shoot. I jumped up from my chair and got changed into the dress right before someone opened my door, forgetting about my glasses. It was Alex(I hadn't checked with my x-ray vision).
"I see someone's been stalling," Alex teased me.
"What!" My hands shot up in defense. "No not purpose." Alex laughed.
"Well I'll see you out there. Just wanted to make sure you at least had your dress on. And you're gonna do awesome out there."
"Thanks," I said with a smile.
"Yup," Alex was about to leave when she paused and said, "don't forget you're glasses,"
"Yeah... we'll see." She left with a confused look but she knew I wasn't going to explain anything.
A couple minutes later I stood at the end of the isle waiting for my mom who'd walk me up. Since my dad wasn't there my mom happily agreed to do it. I saw Mon-el and he was grinning at me. Everyone else was smiling to. I had decided to not put my glasses on. Everyone was staring at me probably because of that too.
"Your glasses," My mom whispered.
"Yeah I know," I replied.
Finally, after what felt like forever, I finished walking and reached Mon-el.
"Hi beautiful," He said. A minister was there to get us married.
"I do," We each took our turns saying. The minister finally said you may kiss the bride after a blur of staring into Mon-el's beautiful eyes. We exchanged rings then kissed.
"I love you," I told Mon-el as we kissed.
"I love you too," He responded, his hands finding his ways from my back to my cheeks.
We broke up the kissing before we were fully making out. I held Mon-el's hand as we walked back down the isle. Everything would, and was, falling perfectly in place.
A/N- That's the end. I hope y'all liked it. Honestly I didn't expect so many people to read it but thanks :) - have a nice day, Anna.

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