Chapter Three- New choices

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I flew out of the DEO after learning that I was pregnant. It made sense... Plus I had... Done stuff with Mon-el but I didn't know how to take it in. Plus, I frowned, it was his baby and he won't be able to be here for them. I headed home and changed into more comfortable clothes then ate a bagel and apple. I wondered what would happen with being pregnant. Would I have to pause being supergirl? I fell onto the couch and kept thinking. I was early in the pregnancy, everything should be fine. Right? I want ice cream. My thoughts changed to getting ice cream. My first craving I guess. I looked at my fridge then used my x-ray vision to see if we have ice cream. I smiled when I saw the ice cream. I ran to my Refridgerator excited to eat ice cream. I grabbed the chocolate ice cream then took out a spoon and sat back down on the couch. I started eating the ice cream quickly, already devouring a quarter of it. It probably wasn't the smartest to eat ice cream before eating any other food but I didn't care. I kept eating and turned on the tv. The news said a building blew up. When had that happened? I saw that the clock said six. Shoot, wait, I should have been at Catco. I got up and paced. I probably missed a day or two of work and I'd left early last time. I grabbed my phone and called Alex.
"Hello?" Alex asked after she answered.
"What are you doing? I'm kinda bored." I asked with a hint of worry in my voice.
"Nothing much. Well... I just proposed to Maggy. I'm so glad she said yes." Alex seemed happy. I was happy for her. I sat back on the couch and realized I finished my ice cream.
"That's great!" I said as I threw the ice cream out. At least one Danvers sister was happy.
"Did you need anything?"
"No..., " I started to say then thought of potstickers and how yummy they are, " Well... Now I do."
"How'd you know? Potstickers are just amazing. Can you bring some? I want some, " I said. I heard Alex sigh.
"Fine. I will. Just for you, " Alex answered after a second.
"Yay! You're the best."
"No problem. Cya when I get there, " Alex said them hung up. A couple minutes later Alex was at my do holding a bag of potstickers.
"Yum, " I said as I looked at the bag after I opened the door. I grabbed them from her hand then put them on the dining room table. Alex let herself in.
"You're welcome, " she said then sat on the couch. I looked at her as I was about to open the bag.
"Oh! Yeah. Thanks!" I said super happy. Somehow I was happy. Alex smiled when she saw that I was happy. It would go away soon though. I finished eating them within 15 minutes while talking to Alex too. Alex got on her phone right as I finished eating. She stood up and showed me it was the DEO.
"Hello, " Alex said.
"You available to get back here? With your sister? We have a robbery. Just not by a human, " J'onn said.
"I can come, " I confirmed. Alex looked at me like she didn't want me to say that. I guess she wanted to keep me safe.
"Ok. Both of you two get to the DEO as soon as you can, " J'onn replied then hung up.
"I guess you won't be bored anymore, " Alex said while walking to the door. I quickly ripped open my shirt and became Supergirl, the girl of steel.

"I'll fly, " I said then we headed separate ways to DEO

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"I'll fly, " I said then we headed separate ways to DEO.
The fly to DEO was peaceful and thought-clearing.
"So who's the new bad guy?" I asked Winn and J'onn. Winn spun in his chair so he would be facing me. He clicked a key on the keyboard that was in front of him. A picture of a blond hair female came up on the board with information about her. It said she can infiltrate the mind of others to unlock their deepest fears. I thought of two immediately. At the bottom of the picture said her name. Psi.
"Psi. She can make someone see their fears. I'm trying to create something that will stop her from doing that, " Winn responded. He typed something else and a picture of a device, probably the one he's working on, came up. I had a feeling I'd have to overcome my fears though. I heard Alex turn off the engine to a car and walk into the DEO.
"I'm going to go alone, " I said to Alex once she saw me.
"You sure?" Alex asked. She read what was on the screen.
I nodded, "Mhm. I'd like a distraction anyway."
"Alright, " Alex said. I noticed Winn walking up to me holding the item that was in the picture.
"Here, " he said. I took it. It kind of looked like a tv remote but ok.
"Ok. Thanks, " I replied as I took it from him.
"No problem." We made sure everything was set then I headed out of the DEO and flew to where she was robbing the store.
Author Notes- Hi I hoped you liked it. This chapter's slower but the next one will be with Psi. I plan to make Kara have to overcome a extra fear than in the real scene. And I have some other ideas.

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