Sorrow Not...

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"You're invisible when you're sad..."

Those particular words echoed through young Lydia Deetz's mind, her standing over by her mother and holding onto her as they watched her deceased father's casket get lowered into the ground. An unbeatable type of Cancer, they'd said it was. Unfortunately caught a little too late. By the time doctors did catch it, it was far too late. Charles lost his life to Cancer a week and a half after it was caught.

Charles Deetz. Absolute goofball Charles Deetz. About just as goofy as Emily herself had been. Emily had, unfortunately, lost all her will to be a total goofball. Just as depressed and in mourning as Lydia. But she showed it a bit... differently to Lydia.

"Clocks tick and phones still ring..."

"The world carries on like mad, and nobody sees a thing..."

Lydia hummed sadly, looking around at all the other funeral goers. Her attention flicked to her mother and, briefly, Emily's attention flicked to her. Lydia looked ahead, tears dripping down the sides of her face onto the earth below, watching on as the last bits of dirt were shoveled on top of the hole containing her dad's casket. But Lydia, after a while, couldn't take watching it anymore, her attention flicking back to Emily.

"Whispering behind their hands... lost for kind words to say..."

"Nobody understands, then everyone goes away..."

"Mom..." Lydia mewled, Emily's attention flicking back to her.

Emily turned completely to face her grieving daughter, stopping to gently move a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. She kneeled down to Lydia's level, reaching out and resting a hand on Lydia's shoulder. She sported a look much softer than the somber and grieving look in her eyes she had throughout the whole funeral service. The expression that Lydia sported didn't falter. Or soften. It just remained the exact same as it had been. Throughout this whole ordeal.

Lydia's attention briefly flicked away from her widowed mother, looking around at all of the funeral goers still there. Most of them had left already. Unable to take things anymore. This was all too sad for them. To see and to think about. And, in Lydia's mind, it was much too sad for her to see, much too sad for her to think about. Maybe they should go back home...

Lydia's attention flicked back to her mother, feeling her wrap her arms around her in a tight hug. Though much different from all of those hugs Emily and Charles had given her when she was younger and when her dad was still alive and well, Lydia still accepted her mother's hug regardless. Closing her eyes and letting a few stray tears drip down her face onto the ground below.

Emily parted from the hug a moment later and Lydia stepped back, her attention flicking back to her mom. Emily reached a hand out, wiping a couple tears from Lydia's eyes just as soon as they had formed.

"Can we... go home? Please?" There was a bit of a hint of grief laced in Lydia's voice as she spoke. "I... can't be here anymore..."

"Well... we can. If this is too hard for you," Emily reassured her daughter, yet again reaching out and putting a hand on Lydia's shoulder. Lydia's attention flicked back over towards her mother, a sorrowful look in her eyes. A sorrowful and pained look no less.

Emily... hated seeing her only daughter... all that she had left now... break down. Countless tears threatening to spill from her eyes dripping onto the ground below. Mixed in with all the depressed sobs and whimpers Lydia was making. Emily quietly took her young daughter's hand in her own, gently leading her away out of the cemetery and back towards their New York home.

As she walked, beside her mother, Lydia couldn't help but keep up with her crying and her whimpering. It becoming more prominent as soon as they climbed up the stairs to their New York townhouse and headed inside. As soon as Emily closed the front door, Lydia'd made a mad dash for the stairs. Rushing up them and towards her bedroom.

"Grown ups wanna fix things, when they can't it only fills them with shame..."

"So they just look away... and everything's not the same..."

"Seems when you loose your dad, no one turns off the sun..."

"Folks carry on, that's that..."

"You're invisible... when you're sad..."

Without giving herself any chance at a second thought, Lydia pulled open her bedroom door as hard as she could and slammed it closed. The resulting loud bang emanated around the house, it concerning Emily greatly. She thought about going up there, to check on Lydia, but her poor daughter needed some time to herself. She'd make sure Lydia was doing okay later on.

Right now, she needed to find someone to help them out. Not only for Lydia, but for herself as well.

Emily pulled out her cell phone, searching up various life coaches and therapists that were within their general area. Hopefully... hopefully... there would be one who could help them out. She didn't need this anymore than Lydia herself did after all...A while passed. Confused by the quiet, Emily looked up. Wondering how her daughter was doing. How she was taking this. Maybe just take a moment to check up on her?

"Maybe I shouldn't. Maybe I should give her more time to herself," Emily uttered out loud to herself, still scrolling through a list of life coaches and therapists in their general area and still not finding any one that was good enough to help.

Emily sighed, almost giving up at this point . She'd try to search for a suitable person to help them out later. Right now, she needed nothing more than to check up on her still grieving daughter. Setting her phone down on the coffee table, Emily stood and carefully made her way up the stairs and towards Lydia's bedroom. Her not really taking that much notice as to what was currently showing on her phone screen at the moment.

Underneath a picture of what appeared to be a middle-aged man with apparently neon-green dyed hair, one who looked like he was the person that Emily needed desperately to help both her and Lydia out, were the words,

Lawrence B. Shoggoth, recently certified life coach.

Mixed it up Together: a Beetlejuice AU (a collab with GreatestShowman123)Where stories live. Discover now