Good Scares... Almost...

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The doorbell rang. Lydia made her way over towards the front doors of the house that she now shared with Delia, opening it.

On the other side of the doors stood a nervous, young, elementary school aged girl; a Girl Scout. Playing with one of her bunches as she looked up at Lydia. Leaning herself against the doorframe, Lydia slyly smirked at the younger girl.

"Hello, little girl," Lydia spoke, when neither of them said anything.

The Girl Scout quietly gulped, fixing her hair and looking down towards the ground for a few moments before her attention flicked back up to Lydia.  "Oh... umm. Hi, my name is Sky and I'm—" She paused, for another moment.

'Keep it together, Sky,' she thought to herself. 'You have a heart condition, yes, but nothing's gonna scare you. It's all gonna be fine.' 

Taking the time to calm herself down, Sky looked back up at Lydia.

"— and I'm here today to support the Girl Scouts by selling cookies. They're all four dollars a box. Would you like some?"

"Sure," Lydia said slyly.

Sky became a little excited and surprised at the same time. "Really?"

"Yeah, what flavors do you have?"

Sky began listing each flavor off of her fingers. "Uh.... We've got... chocolate, banana, oat bran, pecan, samoas, thin mints, and apple pie flavored cookies. Not sure what those last ones are called..."

Lydia had been looking behind her the whole time. Turning back to Sky, she asked,

"Well? Why don't you come inside?"

Now Sky was starting to become even more nervous@. She could feel her heart rate start to increase, but she quickly calmed herself down. "But, we're really not supposed to..."


Sky looked around Lydia and inside the house before turning her head and looking over her shoulder around at her surroundings.

In a low tone, she answered, "pedophiles. But..." She turned back to Lydia. "You're not mean, and it's not like anyone's gonna get molested by a goth teenager. So, I guess it's fine..."

"Yeah?" Lydia said, before turning and, unbeknownst to Sky, motioning for Delia to get herself ready for a scare. God, this was gonna be so good...

"Alright, I'll come inside," Sky finally said, having had taken her sweet time to think things over. Lydia grinned, stepping off to the side to let the young Girl Scout into the darkened home.

Upon entry, Sky couldn't help but become nervous all over again. She glanced around the darkened room before her attention focused on a smirking Lydia.

"It's so dark in here," Sky nervously uttered out. Once again, she felt her heart rate increase and her breathing became heavier and more frequent.

"Is it?" Lydia asked, from her spot in the kitchen leaned up against a wall. "I hadn't noticed."

"Don't worry, I'm almost always prepared," Sky said, fishing through her pink backpack for a flashlight. Finding one, Sky shined it on her face. "Boo!"

Mixed it up Together: a Beetlejuice AU (a collab with GreatestShowman123)Where stories live. Discover now