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Having it in her mind to talk to Lydia and explain things, Emily knew she had to prepare for the worst. Had to prepare for if Lydia would just get angry and storm out. And that part was worrying. Really worrying. However Lydia was going to take things, regarding having a life coach, Emily knew it was going to be bad.

Putting her phone away, Emily headed back downstairs. As soon as Emily got down the last of the stairs and entered the kitchen, Lydia'd finished with her sandwich. Having since put her empty plate and cup into the sink. But there was no sign of Lydia.

Emily stilled, looking around until she found her laying on the couch. Her only sitting upright when Emily sat down next to her. Lydia's attention flicked to her mother, yet she didn't seem to look a little less dead Inside when she noted the calm and collected look in her mother's eyes. A prolonged silence befell the room, only to be broken when Emily piped up.

"Lydsie, can we talk? It's important."

Lydia's attention flicked away for a moment, her black hair shaking as she did so.

"No." Lydia hid the fact that she rolled her eyes from her mother.

Emily put a hand on her daughter's shoulder, causing Lydia to turn her head and glance in her mother's direction. What her mother wanted to talk to her about, Lydia wasn't entirely sure. They sat in silence, for more than a few moments, then Emily, with a warm and soft smile flashing across her face, spoke up again.

"Lydsie, I know this has been hard but..."

Lydia looked away from her, for a few more minutes, then she looked back at her.

"But what?" Lydia finally asked, having taken a moment to think to herself.

Emily could tell that her daughter was a little unsure. Like she couldn't think of what else to say. Emily moved her hand that had been resting on Lydia's shoulder, resting it around her shoulders instead.

"Lydia, I know that you're taking all of this a little hard, your father's death and the funeral this morning," Emily continued, having taken the time to rephrase her words, trying and hoping to comfort her. "I am too, you know. But I'm worried, which is why I made the decision to hire a life coach to help you, me, out with everything—"

Lydia turned away from her, folding her arms and glowering. "I don't need a life coach!"

Emily glanced off to the side. Briefly thinking to herself, Emily grew more and more worried as time went on. Emily's attention flicked back to Lydia, her finding the teenager further away from her. Still facing away from her, but now sat in the other side of the room. Emily made to move a little closer to her, again resting an arm around her shoulder.

In response to that, Lydia made a vague depressed noise. One that worried Emily even more than earlier.

"Lydsie, think of how good all of this would be?" Emily said, after giving a little time to think to herself. "Having a life coach will help you, I promise—"

But Lydia stood, but remained facing away from her mother. "Like I said before, I don't need a life coach! Ever! Please just leave me alone! I just want to be alone!"

With that, Lydia exited the living room and stomped her way upstairs. Emily just sat there in silence, staring at the now empty part of the room where Lydia had been. As the loud sound of Lydia slamming her bedroom door closed echoed around the house, Emily, still just as worried, flinched — before standing up and exiting the living room as well.

Initially thinking about heading back upstairs, to check up on Lydia and make sure she was okay, Emily decided it best to give the teen her space right now. She needed it, after all.

Mixed it up Together: a Beetlejuice AU (a collab with GreatestShowman123)Where stories live. Discover now