Planned Haunting...

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"I believe mom and Betelgeuse are in her room—" Lydia started to say. Though she didn't get far.

"Wait? Lydia, who is Betelgeuse?" Adam interjected, interrupting Lydia.

"Lawrence, my 'life coach'," Lydia explained, with the use of air quotes. "Betelgeuse is his middle name that he's ashamed of."

"Oh..." Adam said, simply. He nodded.

"Anyway, we're going in there, and you have to be as frightening as you can be as you chase me in. I will play along, screaming and all!"

"Nice!" Barbara commented, putting her hand on Lydia's shoulder. Things went silent, for more than a few minutes. Barbara searched her mind for the right words to say, then her eyes flicked back to Lydia. "But there is just one minor issue..."

"What?" Lydia asked, her eyes flicking solely on Barbara.

"Well..." Barbara grew embarrassed, but she still continued regardless. "We're not exactly... scary. Or so to speak..."

"Try to be as frightening as possible then..." Lydia stated with a knowing look. "I'm going to characterize you as genuinely terrifying and downright scary!"

"Alright!" Adam said as he untucked his green checkered shirt.

He stretched out his face, removing his eyes from their sockets and having them stick to his fingers. His attention focused onto Barbara and, although the latter was taken aback by just that, she decided to emulate him — stretching her face into a sort of crocodile like face and having her eyes appear just above her tongue. Lydia stepped back a little, grinning widely with a look of determination as she glanced between the Maitlands.

"Nice!" she commented, giving her new ghost pals a thumbs up. "Now let's go!"

The Maitlands nodded, following Lydia straight out the attic and down towards her mother's room. She stopped just outside the door when she heard some noises and buried her face into her hands. A half hour passed before said noises stopped. Lydia turned to face Barbara and Adam, that look of determination once again flashed in her eyes. Adam, however, was anxious about the whole thing.

"W-wha-what i-i-if it d-do-doesn't work?" he uttered out. Barbara put a hand on his shoulder.

"Do you want us to give it a shot?" Barbara inquired. "I'm not sure whether it'll work either but it's worth a go, isn't it?"

"I suppose we could," Adam responded. "However, the only person who would realize that we are here is Lydia. It's merely going to take her a long time to persuade them both of our presence here in the house."

"Well...." For a little while, Barbara rested a hand underneath the bottom part of her scary face, immersed in a deep thought. "You have a valid point, Ad. Let's haunt this bitch!"

"Barbara?!" Adam shouted out, utterly taken aback.

"It's go time!" Lydia said, determined, gesturing to the Maitlands.

The Maitlands made themselves slightly more intimidating like before as Lydia pretend screamed in terror and ran into the bedroom, slamming the door open and very nearly causing it to crack in the process.

"Mom! Mom!" Lydia shouted, gesturing to the Maitlands. "There are ghosts here! They're chasing me!"

Emily cocked her head. "What? What are you talking about?"

"This house, it's haunted! Can you see them?!"

On cue, the Maitlands made their spookiest ghostly noises with an added, "leave this house!"

"What? No. See what?" Emily asked, sounding at the utmost concerned.

"The ghosts?!" Lydia stressed, even more frantic than she had been. "They're here! In the room with us! And they're very scary. AND THEY'RE CHASING ME!"

"Lydsie." Emily put a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "As much as I want to believe—"

"We gotta get outta here!" Lydia stepped forwards. "Grab everything that you can! And let's go back!" Lydia gripped the sheet off of her mother's bed and stopped, throwing it off to the side and staring. "Lawrence?"

"Hi..." her life coach said, a tad nervous.

Lydia turned back to her mother. "Mom, why's Lawrence in your bed?"

"Lydsie, I've asked Lawrence to marry me." Emily's tone was nervous as she spoke.

"WHAT?!" Lydia's eyes widened. "No! You can't do that!"

"Lydsie, think of this as a good thing," Emily said, again putting a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "I need a husband just as much as you need a father."

"I have a father," Lydia said, feeling the anger start to build up. She looked down for a brief moment then glared at her mother as she looked back up at her. "Mom, there are ghosts here! If this house is haunted, that might mean that dad's back at our old house. C'mon. We gotta go back! Please?!"

"Lydia, at least try to accept Lawrence as a part of the family," Emily urged.

"No!" Lydia shouted, stomping away. "I won't!"

"Lydia look," Lawrence started. "I know that you're upset, about what happened... but maybe this is all... meant to be?"

"I WISH I WAS DEAD!!" was the last thing that Lydia shouted, before she stormed out of her mom's bedroom and down the hallway.

The sound of Lydia slamming her bedroom door shut with a loud bang emanated down the hallway, and caused equal concern in all four adults present in Emily's bedroom. Barbara and Adam quickly shifted back to normal as they floated through the door and down the hallway. Hopefully Lydia was doing okay, having to deal with all that.

The truth was, she wasn't.

Lydia sat at her desk, tears streaming down her face and wetting the paper she had in front of her as she wrote and wrote. She didn't even bother to stop and wipe away said tears as they formed. Nor did she bother to grab a new sheet of paper and start all over again.

'Mom and Lawrence will be better off without me here,' she thought quietly to herself as she grabbed the paper and stood up. Prepared to end her life once and for all.

Mixed it up Together: a Beetlejuice AU (a collab with GreatestShowman123)Where stories live. Discover now