Near the End...

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Delia stumbled to her feet with a look of complete shock on her face, breathing heavily as she proceeded to examine the wound and the blood crimson waterfall cascading down her dress. Fortunately, the colours matched, so the blood did not stand out too much. When she glanced at the murder weapon, she realised it was an unusual choice. Something that looked like a frightening green monster had been pulled from its stand, and sent right through her stomach.

"I see what you did there," said the demon. "Wow, that's a clever trick!"

Lydia took that as a compliment. Delia, to everyone's surprise, was not enraged, but rather impressed by the gothic adolescent. The demon had never expected it. Lawrence, who was bleeding profusely from his face, was treated by Adam and Barbara who attempted to support him by holding him up whilst he was grasping his ribs. He was nearly as astonished as Delia when he saw the terrible art emerging from the demon's tummy. He spat up a blood clot, which landed on his costly outfit. Before he could make a statement, he coughed a few times.

"You stabbed her?" he said, puzzled, and his voice sounded odd. He spoke in a slurred and muted manner, as if he had had brain damage. Given Delia's strength, it wouldn't surprise anyone if it was.

Emily only prayed he wouldn't be as bad as Maxine. In her twenties, she was actually quite brilliant and smart, always being at the top of her class and working in a well-paying position. She was a horse rider until the day she went to a dressage exhibition and was kicked in the head by one of the horses, permanently damaging her brain.

"With terrible art?" Adam finally spoke out, seeming similarly perplexed.

"That. Feels. Meaningful," Delia mumbled weakly before withdrawing the pole from her abdomen and dropping to the ground, her brown hair becoming reddish orange. Lydia put two fingers on the side of her neck and found no pulse, indicating she was dead.

"I'm not sure what just happened. You brought her back to life only to murder her?" Lawrence noted. His speech was no better, in fact, it was much deeper, and more raspy. The Maitlands saw the handprint mark on his throat at that point.

"Exactly!" As Delia rose and sat on her haunches, Lydia chimed in perfect time with Emily.

"However, she'll now be-" Lawrence was interrupted.

"Recently deceased! Adam!" Lydia said, "We need a door!"

Adam smiled as he went into his pocket and pulled out a piece of white chalk.

"Chapter one: proceed directly to the Netherworld!" he shouted as he created a door, this time remembering to draw the doorknob. He knocked three times, but the door remained closed. Delia pushed herself up from her position, feeling a force come over her.

"Hey, Delia!" The recently deceased ghost/demon, who had been possessed by the Maitlands, turned around to confront them. "GET. OUT. OF. THIS. HOUSE!"

The portal opened in a flash of green when the two screamed in unison. Delia staggered towards the opening doorway as she felt a powerful force consume her entire body. "Nether-" she started tosay as the form of a towering 5 ft 11 man appeared in front of her.

"DEAL. I. A!" it roared, the same harsh voice that had always bothered her since she was a youngster.

"Oh crap!" exclaimed the demon. Lydia paled and stared in fear as she realised the same demon she had just fled with Emily was now lurking around her house, seeking trouble.

"I should've figured you'd be in the midst of it all! God, you're a jerk and a screw up!" Otho screamed at the demon, who was ashamedly hanging her head, trying hard not to cry or exhibit evidence of weakness via emotions.

Mixed it up Together: a Beetlejuice AU (a collab with GreatestShowman123)Where stories live. Discover now