Alone, Forsaken, Invisible...

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The moment Lydia stepped out onto the roof, she found herself regretting going through with this. With committing suicide.

Her eyes remained focused on her suicide note, and she felt the tears start to form and drip onto it. Her mind drifted back to her mom and to Lawrence. They'd understand, she was sure of it. But half of her was telling her not to go through with it. To go back inside and talk to her mom and to Lawrence about this. But Lydia's decision, she had felt was more important. Her eyes focused back on her suicide note.

"By the time you read this," Lydia said, more and more tears streaming down her face and onto the roof, "I, Lydia Deetz, will be gone. I have no reason to stay. There's nothing for me here. I'm alone... forsaken... invisible..."

Well, that last bit was half-true. She only felt half-invisible—

"Well!" a voice spoke up, seemingly having come from Lydia's left. "That makes two of us!"

All thoughts of committing suicide long forgotten, Lydia turned. Her eyes landed on a middle aged woman; her hair a very clear shade of purple. Over a thousand different thoughts ran through the teenager's mind, and all she could utter out was,

"Who... the hell... are you?"

The woman looked to be completely stunned, her eyes going wide and remaining focused on Lydia. "Wait? Can you see me?"

"Uh... yeah?" Lydia deadpanned, as if that wasn't the most obvious thing in the world.

"YOU CAN SEE ME!" the woman shouted out excitedly, scooping Lydia up. But Lydia, on the other hand, looked far from happy. "I'M GONNA HAVE A NEW BEST FRIEND!"

"That's great and all, but could you please put me down?"

"Oh... sorry, sorry." The woman stopped, floating downwards back onto the roof and letting Lydia go. "So, living girl, dead woman, what brings you to the roof?"

"I wanna jump," Lydia nonchalantly uttered out, her eyes focusing back towards her suicide note. "What brings you to the roof?"

"No, no you don't," the woman stressed out, concerned. "I have an idea! How about, instead of you jumping and impaling yourself on that birdbath down there, you, uh, I don't know, say my name three times?"

"What??" Lydia confusedly uttered out.

"I'm begging. I'm begging you," the woman replied, quite literally getting on her knees and looking up at Lydia. "I'm so tired of being invisible. And you... you can change all of that if you say my name!"

"I can't change anything," Lydia said, looking back over the edge of the roof. "That's why I'm jumping. Once I'm dead, my mom will be sorry."

"Woah! Woah, woah, woah!" the woman stressed, pulling Lydia away from the edge of the roof. "No she won't, you'll just be dead. You and me, we're not so different."

"In what way?" Lydia spoke under her breath.

But the woman didn't seem to answer. "The point is, maybe we can help each other. The way I see it, your mommy should be leaving. And you should stick around... and kill her! Get rid of all your problems!"

"What?" Lydia managed to say, completely confused.

"Nothing?" the woman replied, and Lydia could've sworn she saw her hair change to orange before going back to purple. "Anyways; first, you gotta say my name!"

"But I don't know your name," Lydia said in a snarky, far from sarcastic tone.

"Well, I can't say it!"

"Can't say it? Well... how about we play charades?" Lydia suggested.

"Yes!" the woman said, pumping her fists. Keeping her eyes focused on Lydia, she tapped at her right hand six times.

"Three words, three syllables?" Lydia asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Right...." She tapped at her hand once.

"First word?" Lydia asked. The woman nodded, and began to act out the first word.

"Pass? Give? Hand? Deal?" At Lydia's fourth guess, the woman nodded, and tapped at her hand twice. "Second word?"

Again, the woman nodded, then she pointed at herself. Lydia cocked her head.

"You? Me? I?" At the third guess, the woman grinned, and this time she didn't even need to tap at her hand. Lydia already pretty much knew that it was the third one. The woman made a weird symbol, and Lydia, unable to figure it out, once again cocked her head. "Uh... the at sign? A? A? Is it A?"

"Yes!" the woman, Delia, enthusiastically pumped her fists.

"Your names Deal-I-A? Delia?"

"Yes!" Delia repeated. "Now, my name must be spoken unbroken. Three times in a row! You ready?"

"Yeah," Lydia affirmed, crumpling up her suicide note and tossing it off to the side. "Delia?"




"Deeeee..." Lydia said, smirking widely. Boy, would Delia be in for a shocking surprise.

Mixed it up Together: a Beetlejuice AU (a collab with GreatestShowman123)Where stories live. Discover now