Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


That was the hardest thing he had ever done. Leaving her like that, standing vulnerable and confused behind him. But she had questions, and at the moment, he didn't have the answers.

The truth was, he had fantasized about Emma his whole life, but it had been something else that led him to her that night. For the past 6 weeks he had had vivid dreams of her, and of him. Recently they had begun to appear mid-day, with no apparent trigger. He had tried everything to get them to stop, but they wouldn't. Lewis had seen flashes of peaches, a sheep, Emma, and of what could have been if he hadn't saved her last night. But Emma's face had been the only one he had recognized in these visions, and until last night had thought them just to be symptoms of a migraine, but the pull had been so strong he couldn't ignore it. And sure enough, there she stood, just as he had dreamt her many nights ago. These visions had saved her. He had saved her.

He heard Emma approach before he felt her touch, just as another vision consumed him.

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