Chapter 14 - Lewis

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His neck hurt from craning it towards the sky. He hoped that he would catch a glimpse of her, and he cursed his heritage. (He blessed Zane in his head for giving him the strange coordinates)

He was a good person, he really was. But the universe didn't accept him, and there was absolutely nothing he could do about it.

In what universe were the mafia good?

This one apparently.

"Ouch" he lowered his head into his hands, another headache was starting.

Not now. Any other time but now.

But it was too late, he faded into the dark as yet another vision consumed him.


"Lewis, it's Evie. I don't have much time, he's catching on."

The ringing in his ears faded as the garden around him came into focus.

"I need you to listen to me. Your blood is not everything, and there's a cure. Emma's father was killed because he found it, and she now wears it around her neck. The cure is in her necklace. You don't have to be a vampire anymore Lewis."

*End vision*

"Well shit. She's in heaven"

Lewis thought that was very unfortunate, as he could not get to heaven. It was like the french bureaucracy, you need a french bank account to get an address, and then you need a french address to get the bank account, it was a circle in which one could never win. Or like needing a job to get a job. How unfortunate. 

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