Chapter 5 - Lewis in Even

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Chapter 5


He was standing in a garden- the most beautiful garden he had ever seen. It was abundant, trees overflowing with fruits that surely were not in season this time of year, and yet the air was mild and smelled of mint, very unlike the frosty landscape he had just been in. Lewis took a deep breath, and his lungs nearly burst as they took in the fragrant smell of fresh damp earth and herbs. He looked around, taking in everything around him. In the distance he could just make out the silhouettes of two people, yet they appeared to be aware of him. Both people were turned towards him, and arms were raised as if in greeting. Lewis set off towards them, his boots sinking into the soft earth with every step.

"Hello!" they shouted in unison as Lewis approached. He raised his hand back; too tired from the strenuous uphill climb to do much more than that.

Lewis finally stopped in front of them under a peach tree, and he looked up, afraid of being hit by a falling peach. His head hurt enough as it was. The taller stranger opened his mouth to speak.

"Hi, I'm Aaron, and this is my companion Evie. What are you doing here, we thought we were the only ones? I mean there's a snake- but that's about all that I'm aware of."

"Same here." Evie added, wisely. She seemed to smirk at the mention of the snake.

"Im Lewis, and I don't know why I'm here either, I remember it being winter, and OH I remember my gf Emma from back home. Where am I by the way?"

Aaron laughed, a big booming noise. "Well your in Even of course! Its our garden, my Pa constructed it himself." Aaron turned his back to Lewis, and he walked away calling over his shoulder "Be back in a sec! Evie dont give into temptation! You wouldnt want to make childbirth painful for anyone." Evie rolled her eyes.

"..Oh." That really hadn't helped lewis.

"Why hello... what is this?" hissed a slippery voice from behind him. Lewis jumped, and let out a yelp in response. He whirled around to face a large snake, it was hanging from one of the peach boughs. The snake looked at him, then turned its face towards Evie.

"Evie dear, why don't you taste a peach? Its positively scrumptious this time of year."

To Lewis's horror, Evie reached her arm up towards the fruits. She was giving into her temptation. Her long fingers stretching towards its downy skin. Just as her fingers brushed the fruit Evie pulled her hand down, and seemed to curl up into herself.

"Evie! Whats wrong??" Lewis asked, he took a few steps towards her, still cautious of the large snake above him.

"I- I have never felt a texture like that. It makes my flesh recoil." She shivered back.

"Velvet?" Lewis understood, Emma had always been afraid of velvet as well. In fact- Emma reminded him a lot of this young woman. He reached towards her to comport, but his vision began to blur. She was fading fast, and the world around him was melting into darkness. Suddenly he was falling.

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