Chapter 9 - Lewis

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Looking out over the city was comforting. From top of the rooftop everything was calm, all the people going about their lives, and it seemed very relaxing. His life was incredibly complicated after all. He looked towards his house, and started.

There were figures wearing capes, and they appeared to be attempting great stealth, but Lewis had eagle eyes, and nothing would get between him and his middle school love.

His breath stopped "The mafia."

He leapt from the building, and took off at a sprint, he was not going to let them take her. From a distance, he could see the black sheen of his motorcycle. It was the color of fresh tar, with an oily sheen. With a final skip, he landed on the vehicle and took off.

Going upwards of 120 mph, he raced down the freeway, weaving through multiple cars. He could see the peak of his apartment building where Emma hopefully was.

He revved the engine, and was prepared to cross the bridge, but the bridge cracked, and collapsed. He cursed the poor infrastructure of his city, and vowed to vote in the next election to prevent this from happening again.

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