Chapter 13 - Emma

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It was cold and damp on the floor, all that Emma knew was that they had climbed in elevation, and rapidly. She started to get dizzy from the rapid movements.

Finally, the bag was ripped from her head and her eyes were blinded from the light. It took her a few moments to refocus where she was.

Why is everything white? Where am I?

Suddenly, a booming voice rang out.

"Welcome, my child."

It seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere all at once. She realized, IT WAS GOD.

There was only once reasonable conclusion, Lewis was a vampire, and the mafia were actually citizens to benefit the public good. They knew about the collapsing bridges, and the lack of sidewalks. They thought that eco-friendly landscaping would save them tax dollars, and that they could save lives.

That meant... that meant.. Lewis must be a demon. A vampire. He wouldn't be able to get to heaven with his reputation, but it was in his blood, and he couldn't help it.

Was I wrong about him? I'm pretty sure he was vegan though?

Nothing seemed to make sense and the only reasonable thing she could think about doing was trying to find GOD.

"He lied about being vegan" The voice echoed. "And he has a picture of you from 6th grade on his bedside table, you know Lewis."

She dropped to her knees, not caring or noticing the pain. She had only just realized she loved him, how could this happen now? 

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