Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Fiona's POV

I was sitting on my bed, listening to Brianna and Katy arguing over the TV remote in the other room, and sighed. I could’ve gone in there and stopped them but I couldn’t be bothered.

I just wanted to find Taylor and hang out with her. Now she knows all about me, and by some miracle, still wants to be friend’s with me. Best friends. I hadn’t met anyone like her. No wonder Joe liked her so much, like some many other boys I know.

I pushed myself off my bed and grabbed my phone, dialing Taylor’s number (by the way, I loved her new phone), too lazy to go to her dorm. It rang like ten times before I cut the line. She wasn’t picking up- what was wrong? Immediately, I feared for her, thinking of Alec.

Tensing slightly, I dialed in Michael’s number and waited while it ran three times. Then he picked up.

“Hi there, Mike speaking?”

“Hey Mike, it’s Fiona.”

“Oh hey Fee!”

I smiled at his enthusiasm of having someone to talk to. I knew no one ever really called Mike, so when someone did, he often got quite excited. It was pretty funny if you saw his reaction.

“Um…I was wondering if Taylor was there?”

“Oh,” his disappointment of someone calling to not really talk to him was obvious, and instantly, I felt guilty. “Yeah, she’s in her room getting ready with Molly.”

“What’s she getting ready for?”

“She’s going on a date with Joe.”

This took a second to register in my mind, and when it did, I gasped and smiled. “Really?”

“Yeah, he asked her about an hour ago. She’s just going to leave. Wait a second…” there was a pause and I heard some shouting and shuffling. “Yeah, she’s going now.”

I leapt up and bounded out of the room, shoving past Brianna, Katy and Clara (Clara was trying to control them), and pressing my phone tigher against my ear. “Mike, I’m coming!”

“Uh,” he paused. “Too late. She’s gone.”

I sighed and slowed down. The elevator was already on the second floor, and I waited for it to start rising before I spoke again. “Thanks. I’m coming up anyway.”

“Oh, awesome! We can talk and stuff. See you!” he cut the line, and I got in the empty elevator. I inhaled the sweet, rosey scent of Taylor’s familiar perfume and imagined her here, fidgeting nervously. She had nothing to be nervous about, I thought, smiling slightly.

The doors budged open and I dashed into Dorm 12, looking around. I waved to Carter through his open door, and caught sight of Ben through his door, but he wasn’t looking this way, so I continued into Michael’s room. He was sitting on his bed, reading a gaming magazine. However, he looked up when I entered, but didn’t put down his magazine.

I stood by his desk, a few feet away from both him and the door. “So, where did Joe take Taylor?”

“I have no idea. He told me it was a surprise, but he looked really excited. And then when he came out, he looked so classy and dashing! They are such a cute couple!” he grinned.

“I know, right?” I agreed. Just then, foootsteps sounded behind me and I turned to see a tall girl with short brown hair and a figure to die for standing in the doorway, with a small smile on her face.

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