Oh, I don't love you; I'm in love with your car. Or is it the other way round?14

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Chapter 14

I stood up, but they didn’t notice me, as they were too engrossed in their conversation. Sophia didn’t realise Cody was flirting with her…I knew his face- it was Joe’s expression when he flirted with girls too. Though of course Cody didn’t know Sophia was Ben’s girlfriend, and I hope she didn’t tell him as easily as she told me.

I cleared my throat and both of them looked round at me, surprised. Cody smirked, and he shoved his hands into his jeans pockets, flipping his hair back. I tried not to be mesmerised in his dark eyes.

“Hey again, Sophia, hi Cody.” I faked a smile, but inside I was worried for her.

“Hi Taylor. Cody was just telling me about everything. He told me you sing well, and play piano?”

I nodded and we started talking again. Cody just stood there, staring at me, and I felt my cheeks heat up. Finally, Sophia said she had to go, and she took off out of the mall.

“You look beautiful, Taylor.” He said, and I remembered what Joe had said before I’d left. “You should wear skirts more often.” Cody laughed and I turned to him reluctantly.

“You should see your face, as red as a tomato!” he chuckled as I frowned.

“Ew…I hate tomatoes.” I told him, and walked in the opposite direction to leave.

He grabbed my arm and I spun round to face him with an annoyed face. Couldn’t anyone just leave me alone? I didn’t mind Molly or Fiona or Sophia, but Joe or Cody?

“Where are you going so fast?” he asked me, eyebrows raised. I tried not to think of how smooth his pale skin looked.

“None of your business?” I replied, making it sound like a question.

He shook his head as I began to walk towards the exit, and walked by me. I stopped, really irritated now.

“Do you have hearing problems or something?” I snapped at him when he stopped with me.

“Nope; I’m giving you a ride back.” He said, unaffected.

I sighed and nodded, allowing him to lead me to his car. It was a silver Porsche Carrera GT. I was impressed but I loved Joe’s car much more than this one. We got into his car and he drove away silently. We were almost there, when he pulled to the side of the road and turned off the engine. I looked at him, confused.

“What?” I said after a minute of him staring at me.

He shook his head, and smirked. “Do you want to go out to dinner tonight?” he asked me, amusement in his voice at my expression.

Was he asking me out on a date? “Um…yeah, sure.” I tried not to hop up and down in excitement.

His smirk grew. “What about Joe?”

Damn, I’d completely forgotten about him. We were supposed to be boyfriend and girlfriend. I raised my eyebrows. Unless he was taking me out for a date it didn’t matter…did it?

What about Joe? Unless you intend for this to be like a date, then there’s no problem in us hanging out as friends. I’ll have to tell him, of course, but he can’t stop me from going out with my friends.” I told him.

He nodded. “Sure, sure, keep telling yourself that. Anyway, get ready; I’ll pick you up at six. It’s a surprise, but dress up semi-formal. I want to know you better, so we can be better friends.” He started the engine and continued driving.

A few minutes later, we arrived back at school, and I realised I had an hour and a half to get ready. I thanked Cody before we split up in the reception. He was only on the second floor, so he was taking the stairs. I stepped into the elevator, and someone yelled my name as the doors were closing. I held them open and Michael ran inside. I let them shut and looked at him in surprise. I hadn’t seen him since the morning before the Christmas Disco.

Oh, I Don't Love You; I'm In Love With Your Car. Or Is It The Other Way Round?Where stories live. Discover now