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Kavya's POV

I woke up at 10 a.m. as it is Sunday today and like always first thing I did is to took Sohum's photo frame and kissed him 'good morning.'

Yesterday I slept at 4 a.m at night as I was thinking about how much foolish I am to talk to him about our private life.

But, anyways, I will not meet him often now.

But I just blurted it out as I heard he works there.

Today I don't know how will I spend my time.

Teaching at school is like a saviour to me.

I don't know how time goes when I teach my students.

I decided to get freshened up and buy groceries and then go to market to buy fresh vegetables.

I got ready, locked the door and took a lift towards the ground floor.

I took an auto towards the mall and went inside and in half an hour bought all the groceries.

"Kavya," I heard a voice and turned around to see Kabir standing in front of me.

Sh!t !

Out of all the places he came in this mall?

"Sir we should buy capsicums too," somebody said and I looked to see a guy.

"You are buying vegetables from here for your hotel?" I guessed.

"Yes," both of them said in unison.

"Can I suggest something?" I asked.

"Yes," kabir said.

"Nearby there's a vegetable market where fresh vegetables come everyday. Buy it from there rather than buying it from mall because you will get fresh vegetables there," I told them.


"Okay. Let's go," that guy was going to say something but Kabir cut him off.

"But ask your boss about it. It is a big decesion," I said.

"My boss asks me to do whatever I want as he knows I make good decisions for our hotel," Kabir said.

"Sir, but,"

"Vivek, let's follow," he said, once again cutting whatever he was saying.

I went towards the counter to pay the bill and I saw both of them standing afar.

Why are they still standing?

They should leave the place by now.

Are they so free to stand there like that?

My turn came and I paid the bill and walked towards them.

"Okay. Bye," I bid them goodbye but both of them were standing there still.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked them.

"We are waiting for you and you are bidding us goodbye?" Kabir asked.

"Yes, our manager sir is waiting for you," Vivek said.

"Me?" I asked with a shock on my face.

"Yes, come with us to the vegetable market. Our head chef doen't know the nearby market, right Vivek?" Kabir asked him.

"Yes...yes...I don't know," he agreed.

"It's just five minutes away from this mall," I said and I noticed Kabir nudged him.

What is happening here?

"Please come with us. I don't know the place and I don't know how to bargain in a market. Please come with us," Vivek insisted.

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