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This chapter is to all my readers who are single like me on propose day🤣🤣

Just joking😀😀

Kabir's POV

"No, I am already full," I told her as she sat and sat across me.

We were both silent and I didn't knew what to say to break the ice.

"It's getting awkward, right?" she asked.

"Yes, we have never been alone like this, right? Raj was always with us." I replied and she nodded in a yes.

"Do you want to look at my house? I mean, there's nothing to look at but---

"Hey! Calm down. You don't have to be so formal with me. You know that, right?" I tried to calm her down and she nodded in understanding.

"I will return your coat tomorrow," she said making me sigh.


"Okay," I said.

"Let's watch something," she suggested.

"What do you watch?" she asked before I could reply.

"News and cricket," I told her and she was just looking at me.

"No movies?" she asked and I nodded in a 'no.'

"No songs?" she asked further and I once again nodded in a "no."

"Korean drama? Thai drama? Anything?" she asked further and a laugh escaped from my lips as once again I nodded in a 'no.'

"What will you do if you find someone like me who loves romantic movies or songs or romantic series?" she asked.

"I will never find someone like you." The moment those words left from my mouth, I regretted it.

And when I looked at her, I regretted it even more.

"I mean, we will see when the time comes." I tried to manage my previous statement.

"You know, me and Sohum connected through movies and songs. He also liked song and movies," she told me and I didn't knew what to say but then I decided to say what's in my mind.

"If your husband's choices were different but you liked him, you would have rejected him as your tastes are different?" I asked her and she was quiet for some time, as if she was in a deep thought.

"No," she said after some time.

"That's what I am trying to say. There are some people who have the same preferences but still never sits together and watch something because even though their preferences matched, their heart didn't," I said.

"And, if I find someone who likes the thing you like, I will let her watch her Korean drama and I will watch my news and we can connect together on different things, like going for a walk, or shopping together," I continued.

"I will not force her to watch cricket with me as I know she doesn't like it and I can't pretend to be liking any shows with her as I know it will be unfair to her if I don't like it from the heart," I continued, further.

"Wow! You showed me a different perspective," she said and she was quiet for few seconds.

"How come you don't have anyone in your life?" she asked me and I started laughing at her question.

"I never found someone like you," I said and once again regretted it.

Shit! I should control my mouth.

"I mean, I didn't find someone who likes movies and dramas." I changed my statement.

"But you know, while driving I listen to few Hindi songs on radio and I liked few songs." I told her.

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