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This chapter is to all the readers who, like me, are waiting for chocolate from their non existent partners🤣🤣

P.s. just joking😂😂

Kavya's POV

After so many years I am listening to this song.

Before marriage I always listened to this song on repeat but after marriage everything changed.

Sohum became my whole world and after he left, my whole world collapsed.

"He is a good singer. I will listen to more of his songs," Kabir's voice broke me from going in the past and I just nodded my head.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yes, sorry, I just remembered something," I told him.

"Okay. I think, I should leave. You should take rest as you are in pain," he said and I didnt know what to say.

He is so caring and understanding.

From the outside he seems so arrogant but you have to spend time with him to know this side of his.

"You said Shalini aunty is on leave so what about dinner? Should we order pizza?" I asked and he was just staring at me.

"I mean... then I also don't have to cook anything for myself and you also don't have to worry about what you will eat," I continued further.

"I am already full as we already ate late," he said and instantly there was a regret on my mind.

Of course! We ate at the evening.

I am also full but I am craving for Pizza so much and when I suggested this idea to him, I started craving for it even more.

It's like as I vocalized my idea, I wanted it more.

"Let's have it," his voice suddenly boomed in the silence of the house.

"But, you said you are full," I said and he started laughing.

"What?" I asked.

"For the first time I have seen the pout on your face," he said.

Was I pouting?

I didn't even know I was pouting.

"No, leave it. As you said earlier, it will not come from your heart," I said.

"But I don't have to eat it from my heart. I have to eat it from my mouth and my stomach will be happy. My stomach is begging me to have it as soon as he heard the word 'pizza.' I started laughing loudly.

"I never thought you are so funny, the first time I met you," I told him the truth.

"Don't remind me of that day. I was so angry at Suraj," he said and our first meeting flashed in front of my eyes.

"And I was angry at you too," he continued making me confuse.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you were the first woman who talked with me in that tone," he told me.

"But you were wrong. I just voiced it out," I clarified.

What's there to get angry at that?

And, what did he mean by nobody talked with him in that tone?

Even if he was wrong, nobody stopped him?

"Even if you are wrong, nobody dared to tell you that you are wrong?" I asked the question going in my head.

"Just because you have money?" I questioned, further.

"You are right," he told me.

"But this is not right. Just because you have money doesn't mean you can escape," I stated firmly.

'When she says things like this, how will I fulfil the promise I made to myself.'

"What promise you are talking about? Just say it loudly. Don't mumble under your breathe and why are you smiling when I am scolding you?" I asked.

God knows what he is thinking.

"Nothing. Let's order pizza," he changed the topic.

"But, I am not done talking," I huffed in annoyance.

"Everyday I thank universe, for sending you into my life who is not fake, or who does not tolerate any bullshit from me, just because I have money. That day also, I loved how you refused to be Raj's caretaker," he said making me confuse.

But, this is normal, right?

This is how people are, right?

"But, what's so special in that? Everyone is like that, right?" I asked him and he just smiled and took out his mobile.

"I hope this world will not change you. Anyways, dominos, here we come," he exclaimed and opened the app but stopped midway and looked at me.

"By the way, when does your husband comes back? I mean he will not like us enjoying pizza together, right?" he said.

"I mean, I know for you I am just a friend. I mean, for me also you are just a friend. I m-mean---

A laugh escaped out from my lips. "God! Why are you stuttering?"

He kept the mobile aside and looked at me.

"Kavya, I will not like my wife enjoying with some other man. I am possessive when it comes to people close to me so I assumed that your husband is also someone who gets jealous easily but, maybe, he is not," he stated firmly and his eyes never left mine and I was not able to put what I was feelings into words because nobody has ever looked at me in that way.

"Can we please stop talking about Sohum?" My voice sounded so soft as if I was scared, and yes, those eyes scared me.

"I noticed you always use past tense while talking to him. And, maybe something is wrong between both of you but if you want me to stop talking about him, you will also not talk about him," he told me

"What do you mean?" Thank god, this time my voice sounded normal.

"Till you are not telling me what is the issue, don't tell me, what food he liked or how you both used to dance on his favorite song," he explained.

But, Sohum is a huge part of my life.

He is my life.

And everything I do, it reminds me of our moments together.

But, he is right. It's fair. If I don't want him to ask me something, then I should also not talk about him.

Just few more days, and I will find a way to tell him the truth.

Just few more days and, like everybody, he will also pity me and feel sad for my life.


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What do you think of Kavya? I know some of you may think, she is not right but she is just a human with strenghth and flaws and she is doing what she feels right at the moment.And, same goes for Kabir too.

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