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Kavya's POV

While we were taking stairs, I was thinking to tell him the truth today.

He will get hurt like me if he knows the truth from someone else.

We reached our floor and I opened the door and we went inside.

First thing I did was to switch on the fan and keep it on high speed as Kabir was sweating so much in the elevator.

'I will bring you a glass of water. Sit comfortably,' I said and he sat on sofa and I gave him a glass of water.

'Suraj has arrived ten minutes ago but I got the message now,' he told me.

'I will bring my purse and then let's go,' I said and went in my bedroom.

I took my purse and came outside to see Kabir was standing with a glass of water in his hands.

'You gave me water but you forgot to have it. Take these,' he said and handed me the glass making me smile.

'Thank you,' I said and drank the whole glass of water and that time I realized I was thirsty.

I was in such a hurry to go and teach Raj that I totally forgot about it until Kabir handed me the glass of water.

'Let's go,' he said as I kept the glass on the table.

'You know, I am hiding something from you, right?' I started and his expression showed that he was surprised by the topic which I started suddenly.

'Yes, I know.'

'Today I want to tell you before you get to know by someone else and it will hurt you, like I got hurt.'

'As you wish, Kavya,' he said and we walked out of my house and I locked the door.

'Your legs will start paining, Kavya,' he said making me smile.

He cares for me so much.

'What can I do?' I sighed.

'Stay in my house till the elevator gets repaired,' he said and I started laughing.

'You are funny, Kabir.' I was still laughing.

'I am serious, Kavya,' he said and I stopped climbing down to look at him and he was really serious.

Why does he care so much for me?

I am not used to this.

And, it has been years since someone cared for me this much.

And, yes, Sohum cared for me but not this much.

Kabir is careful of my every step.

'Where are you lost, Kavya?' he asked breaking me out of my thoughts.

'Nothing. I was thinking how to reject your offer politely,' I said and he chuckled.

'I know you will reject me,' he said and I scrunched my noise in confusion.

'I mean, my offer,' he corrected himself and without saying anything, we climbed downstairs.

And, till I walked towards the ground floor my legs were really tired.

'Let's wait here for few seconds and then leave,' he said and I smiled and we stood there and I removed my sandals and tried to massage my feet but was not getting balance so he held my hand and I massaged my feet.

'Let's go,' I said and wore my sandals and we walked out of the building and Suraj was there leaning against the car.

He greeted us and opened the door for us.

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