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Guess who is back😄😄

Kavya's POV

After he left, I felt free, as if a burden lifted off my shoulder as I told him the truth.

After so many years, I felt happy and I was feeling like I had a good eight hours of sleep even though I had slept only for few hours.

A smile escaped my lips as I remembered Kabir stroking my hair.

He reminded me of my mom.

I went and sat on the sofa and remembered how he fed me like a baby.

The way he took care of me, I felt that it would have been good if he stayed here with me.

From the past three years, I am tired of being alone.

And today for the first time I felt what it feels like to have somebody beside me when I am not well.

Sohum was with me but he never took care of me like Kabir did.


Why am I thinking about kabir?

I should stop thinking about him and focus on myself.

I have to get better today so that I will be able to return to the school tomorrow.

I sat on the sofa and turned the T.V. on to watch some songs.

 As soon as I turned on the song channel 'Lag Jaa Gale' started playing and I remembered that it s Kabir's favourite song.


Why am I thinking about Kabir?

It is Sohum's favourite songs.

I turned into some other channel and tried to distract myself from the thoughts of Kabir and my eyes stopped on a recipe show where they were showing how to make Baingan ka Bharta.

I remembered the day Kabir took me to have it and I turned off the T.V.

Why am I thinking of Kabir?

I should think about Sohum?

My thoughts should revolve only around Sohum.




I walked in the bedroom and took Sohum's picture in my hand.

I love you, Sohum.

I kissed his picture and kept it back and sat on the bed which reminded me of the time Kabir sat on my bed and was stroking my hair, just like my mom used to do and the way he fed me, just like a baby.

Yes, Sohum used to take me to doctors but he had never done all this thing.

For the first time, someone has done it for me and maybe that's why I am thinking so much about it.

But, I should remove him out of my mind and only think about Sohum.


It had been five days since I had not seen Kabir.

Raj said that he is busy with his work and does not come early,

The problem was not that he was busy with work, the problem was that I wanted to see him.

I dont know why, but I felt like seeing him.

I felt like talking to him.

Previously he used to come early and made sure that I am comfortable and some days, he used to force me to have my evening snacks.

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