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"It's been 2 years now, oppa. Hope you're doing great up there. I'm doing fine here, even though I'm alone, I can do everything by myself, don't worry about me."

You wiped the dust from the tombstone in front of you and put some flowers there.

"It's late autumn now and the weather's getting cold."

"I know it's getting cold now, I'll wear my sweater next time."

"I kinda miss your cooking, you always cooked me some stew when winter's coming."

"Yes I'll eat a lot. I can cook by myself now, how I wish you could taste my cooking."

You were standing in the middle of the graveyard, talking alone to the tombstone in front of you. It was your brother's grave, who had passed away a couple years ago. You usually came here to take care of the grave and also to have some alone talk with him, just telling how your life had been going.

"I've found a new part time job, it can help me pay some bills. And school's fine, my job won't distract my focus from studying."

"I'll try hard at the office too. You know, this is all new for me, but you know I can do it, right ? I know you trusted me."

"I hope you're doing fine up there."

"I'm fine. don't worry about me."

You looked around confusedly as you always heard some voices answering your words. You were sure you were all alone in here, and it couldn't be your late brother who was talking back to you, right ?

You looked at your back and saw a guy standing there, back facing you, at the grave beside your brother's. 

So it was his voice that you heard before, he was also talking alone to the tombstone in front of him. You sighed, relieved that it wasn't a strange voice from the afterworld who was talking to you.

You looked back at your brother's tombstone again, and continued your talk.

"Alright oppa, I think I better go now."

"I think you're going too soon. You know, I have lots of things to talk about with you. I miss you."

You looked again at your back, and saw that guy still talking to the tombstone.

You just shrugged and tried to ignore him, as you smiled at your brother's tombstone.

"Bye oppa, until next time."

And with that you left the graveyard, walking past that guy who was still standing there, having his alone talk.


Love, From the Graveyard • KSJWhere stories live. Discover now